A meditation retreat with Babaji Bob Kindler at Wood Valley Temple, Big Island, Hawai’i
January 5 – 8, 2012
Wood Valley Retreat Reflection
That wonderful retreat changed my life forever. I attend classes now whenever I can, and study and meditate everyday. I appreciate so much the opportunity to be among the few who get to listen to Babaji explain the wisdom of the seers, saints, and sages, and to soak up the knowledge that he embodies and presents. I am always amazed at how the ancient wisdom of yoga can pertain to my own very intimate and personal condition, and how universal the laws and functions of the mind are. And more amazing still is that the Sanskrit words define precisely a very intricate map of consciousness and awareness. This moment always becomes the most fulfilling place to be. We are here for each other. – Chris
Mother India’s Contribution to Universalism
Babaji Bob Kindler was the guest minister at the New Thought Center of Hawaii on Sunday, March 25. He spoke on the singular subject of Advaita, or Nonduality, accented by the underlying theme of Universality. The well-known truth of “One Goal, Many Paths,” was explored in terms of Mother India’s long-standing, open-minded perspective of the truth of all religions. Babaji presented two charts during his talk: India’s Sanatana Dharma, and The Natural Unity of Vedic Religion and Philosophy. Both charts reveal how the knowledge of nonduality creates an atmosphere of integration and harmony among the religious sects, various yogas, and branches of philosophical schools.
A few quotes from Babaji’s talk:
“What is knowledge for if not for bliss?”
“Name and form has covered Formless Reality, and you are that Formless Reality.”
“As Sri Ramakrishna stated, when you have the thorn of ignorance in your mind, use the thorn of knowledge to remove it. When you have the thorn of knowledge and ignorance together, then transcend them both.
Two Wings of the Heart –
Chanting & Teachings on Ram Navami
A special gathering with arati, music, and teachings was offered March 31st at Waiaka Homestead in Waimea in celebration of Sri Ram, the Avatar of the Treta Yuga. Babaji and Jai Ma Music were invited by Bridie Ridsdale, a friend of the Hawaii Sangha who leads regular kirtan gatherings, to present the life and teachings of Sri Ram, and thus inform and enhance the local chanting community’s knowledge and love for this great Indian Ideal worshipped by millions around the world.
Beginning with Jai Ma Music’s signature arati song, Hari Om Ramanam, with Loke Ma offering the five flame lamp to all, Babaji explained the significance of arati from both devotional and wisdom perspectives. Next, Babaji talked of the life of Sri Ram and His similarity to Lord Buddha. Readings were shared from Yoga Vasishtha by Annapurna Sarada, namely, the young teenaged Ram giving the Discourse of Divine Discontent about how all beings seek refuge in things like wealth, health, relationships, etc — none of which can confer everlasting Peace. Bhajans and stotrams from the album, Hari Om Ramanam, were sung to augment these teachings and bring inspiration to the profound yet solemn discourses. Another reading was offered from the Adhyatma Ramayana on “A Fitting Residence for Thee, O Rama.” [how about a sidebar for this? copied at the bottom of this doc]
The audience was very moved by the entire presentation, and many expressed how magical the evening was, what a special energy was present during the event, and how grateful they were for the opportunity to gather in this way and receive a deeper appreciation not only of Sri Ram, but more insight into the teachings that are associated with His incarnation.
A Fitting Residence For Thee, O Rama
Those who are peaceful, even-minded, friendly to all creatures
and who ever adore Thee with great devotion,
those who are ever dependent on Thee, abandoning dharma and adharma,
their heart, O Rama, is the happiest residence for Thee.
Those who ever repeat Thy name, those who are ever resigned to Thee,
those who are above the pairs of opposites, who are devoid of all desires—
their heart is the happiest residence for Thee, O Rama.
Those who are without self-conceit, who are peaceful,
who are devoid of attachment and anger
and who view a clod of earth and a piece of gold as equal—
their heart is the fitting residence for Thee, O Rama.
Those who have resigned their mind and intellect to Thee,
those who are ever established in perfect contentment,
those who have dedicated all their works to Thee—
their hearts form the auspicious residence for Thee, O Rama.
Those who do not show any revulsion to unpleasant experiences
and do not get elated with pleasant ones,
and those who look upon the whole universe as Maya,
a mere appearance, and remain devoted to Thee alone—
their heart forms a fitting residence for Thee, O Rama.
Whoever sees the six transformations of one’s being beginning with birth
as occurring to the body and not to the Self,
whoever sees hunger, thirst and fear, as also happiness and misery
as belonging to prana and not to the Atman,
whoever by such knowledge is free from the processes of Samsara—
the heart of such a person forms a fitting residence for Thee, O Rama.
Those who have fully concentrated their minds by continuous practice,
those who are ever devoted to the service of Thy feet,
those whose sins have been effaced by taking Thy name and singing Thy glories—
the heart-lotus of such persons is the fitting home for Thee, O Rama.
from the Adhyatma Ramayana