Thank You – Almost There!

August ThermometerMany of you received our Fundraising Update and appeal on August 31. Immediately, we received over $1,000 in donations and end of year pledges! We still need $8,000 to finish our financial obligations for the year. [missed that email? click here.]

Speaking plainly, we sent the appeal out to 250 people, but only 4 people have responded. We need everyone’s help to keep this $8,000 from becoming a debt we carry into the next year.

With everyone’s contributions – large or small – we will make it.

These expenses are what it costs to

  • Bring Babaji out to teach at the centers and prisons four times a year;
  • Offer retreats and kids programs, broadcast his classes,
  • Publish and distribute Nectar, our journal of universal and nondual teachings, just like previous years.

Despite our ability to reach far more people with the webcasting of Babaji’s classes, donations have actually fallen, when compared with previous years.

So we are appealing to everyone: please donate what you can. You can donate online, or contact Annapurna at 808-990-3354 or by email.