Winter Retreat: Note & Reflections


SRV Winter Retreat: Panchadasi & Panchakarana Reflection: 2

I don’t know how to describe it. It was the first one for me and I had several experiences. Although I missed my children, I didn’t want to come “home.” I felt like I was in a spiritual rehab. There is a nurturing beyond words, like I was there for me to get better. I don’t know what to say, as Mother has yet to teach me how to put it into words. I have never been taken away from the world as I was then. Going to prison did not feel like being taken away. Going to the retreat took me away from the world.

After looking in hindsight, however,, afterwards I was left in a void, and therefore a feeling of confusion as I didn’t understand why I felt such a connection with my Guru as I did. I didn’t realize it was happening until after the fact. It was quite foreign for me and I had to ask questions as to why this was happening. I wish I could explain the experience — I really do, but I do not have the words.
