We are looking for a volunteer to streamline and maintain the various lists we use.
Skills Needed:
- Knowledge of database formats, querying records, creating reports for Excel, and merging data for labels. We currently use Alpha 5 version 6 in combination with Word Perfect for labels and Excel for reports.
- Internet skills: manager may need to pull addresses from our paypal account, website, and other emails. We also need a system to simply channel names and address to the manager.
- Organization skills: we need to be able to keep our database and email lists together for all sangha mailings, as well as group them regionally and according to topic. Some of this is already set up, but needs cleaning and streamlining.
Time Needed:
- Initially, there will be some set up time and cleanup time. After that, a quarterly updating will mostly only be needed…maybe every other month sometimes.
If you are interested, please contact Annapurna: srvinfo@srv.org or 808-990-3354