The Hawaii sangha is a strong core group of 5 intrepid students who will travel 3 hours for a Sunday class! Since the closing of the Honoka’a ashram in 2007, our Hawaii classes with Babaji have taken to the road, meeting regularly at the homes of our sangha.
Lately, Babaji has mentioned the different ashrams that have dotted India throughout its history: the forest ashrams, mountain, ocean, and desert ashrams, where individuals and families went for spiritual instruction from illumined sages. In this context he has expressed appreciation to our Hawaii sangha for offering their homes as SRV’s rotating ashrams.
Our “mountain ashram” is at Morning Dew Farm in Upper Kona on the side of Hualalai volcano over-looking the western ocean. It is the home of Kanyakali (Laura Nelson) and Doug Murphey (Yogeshvara).
And we have two “ocean ashrams”:
Puna Beach Palisades, where one can hear the ocean and see the steam rising from the lava flow on the southeast side of the island, the home of Babette Ackin; and in Pepe’ekeo, situated near Hilo on a fertile bluff over-looking the ocean on the northeast side, the home of Bhama Paritosh.
When Babaji is home in Hawaii, he teaches each Sunday.
Detailed notes from some of these classes are readily available on Student Notebook under Teachings.