SRV Newsletter

Mundamala is the online newsletter of the SRV Associations’ sangha and friends. It contains spiritual teachings and news of our activities.

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What does Mundamala mean?

“Munda” means “head” and “mala” means a garland. If you look closely at the image of Mother Kali dancing blissfully on the breast of Lord Shiva in Samadhi, you will see that each of the heads around Her neck is smiling! These heads represent the lovers of God who have successfully surrendered their egos to the Supreme Reality. “All troubles will cease when the ego dies,” states Sri Ramakrishna. As devotees of Sri Ramakrishna, Sri Sarada Devi, and Swami Vivekananda, we are in varying stages of consciously becoming a part of Mother’s Garland.

Features in Mundamala has included:

  • Message from the Spiritual Director, Babaji Bob Kindler
  • Guru Anushashana
  • Wisdom in Practice
  • Sri Ramakrishna’s Antaranga
  • Meditate on This in Thy Mind
  • Babaji’s Teaching Schedule
  • Dharmic Parenting
  • Book Review
  • Upcoming Retreats

What is the Mundamala?

Babaji writes in the Twenty-Four Aspects of Mother Kali:

“These were once personalities – individual ego structures that accomplished the transcendence of attachment to name and form and became blissfully absorbed in their Chosen Ideal.”

“The circle of heads, all of serene countenance, reflects in its members the attainment of peace and an absence of fear and worry.”

“Peace, the vast quietude of ultimate fulfillment and perfect contentment, attends those minds that dwell in remembrance of their pure and stainless divine nature. The smiling faces gracing the Divine Mother’s garland of heads emanate peace and bliss instead of the horror of decapitation. This reveals that the illumined mind given to the Universal Mother remains absorbed constantly in deep contemplation of Reality.”

“This play of Consciousness, the interaction between formless Reality and dynamic energy, is called the Mahalila, and the garland of human heads represent so many avenues for its implementation.”