Srishti Rahasya – The Secret of Creation
by Babaji Bob Kindler
ALL OF CREATION is verily an excellent artform, is God’s handiwork. Therefore, to receive an inkling of what true art is all about, it would benefit everyone immensely to “look” long and longingly, via focused internal and external meditation, at the consummate Artist, called Brahman, Ishvara, Allah, Yah Weh, Ahura Mazda, the Almighty Father, the Beloved and other glowing appellations. But since this nondual Brahman cannot be perceived with the finite senses connected to the dual mind, cannot be seen with these eyes or heard with these ears, even understood by applying this limited thinking process, the indrawn “look” must be directed towards another form of art, called philosophy. Perhaps it is Paravidya, say the saints, sages, savants, seers and saviors — that highest expression of Truth and Wisdom which motivates the alacritous search that artist, artisan, scientist, scholar and all other explorers of this realm of relativity undergo lifetime after lifetime. Philosophy permeates all artforms, existing as their subtlest credo which demands “I must know” — the adamantine assertion that drives them inexorably to seek that long sought-after but wholly illusive perfection that nevertheless occupies all their thoughts and absorbs most of their time.
But it is not merely the aspect of philosophy concerned with credos, mottos and ways of life that I wish to introduce in this article, however, but rather the subtle and dynamic truths it contains that outline and explain the manifold mysteries in the voluminous book of creation. The declaration, “In the beginning was the Word,” is just the tip of the iceberg with respect to knowledge of the initial inception of the worlds, representing only a tiny modicum of the total subject present in the illumined mind of Jesus of Nazareth. Tantric and Vedic adepts had, even long before the appearance of Christ, struck the vein of gold running through the mountain of revelatory knowledge with regard to the manifestation of the many-tiered sets of earthly and heavenly realms. This vast insight gradually came to be known as Srishti Rahasya, the Secret of Creation, and was formulated upon the fundamental axiom of primordial vibration. These rishis were also beholden to point out with all celerity and integrity that Ultimate Reality is beyond vibration, “completely other” than all that appears in “the fields of the Lord,” a phrase referred to often in Christianity which has its correlation in the Bhagavad Gita, chapter 13. With regards to the field, called Prakriti in Samkhya Science, Sri Krishna elucidates:
these ought to be known, O Arjuna.
The cosmic body is called the field,
consisting of five elements, ego, mind, intellect,
the senses and their objects, and unmanifest nature,
along with dualities such as pleasure and pain
and including the mind’s creation — the physical body.
As to the field’s Knower, Sri Krishna states:
It is neither existence nor nonexistence, but beyond both.
Unborn, yet It has hands, feet, eyes, and ears everywhere, and Its inner power permeates everything.
Beyond creation, yet the sustenance of it,
outside the powers and restrictions of nature,
Seemingly mobile, but ever stationary,
It is incomprehensible.
Indivisible, though apparently divided,
the inner Self of all beings.
The incandescent Light of all that shines,
It is the essence of Knowledge abiding within all hearts.
To further emphasize the Lord’s point, the vibrating spheres are different than their Knower, who is not a material entity consisting of atomic particles, vibrating at various degrees of intensity. The Knower is not subject to birth and decay, does not undergo processes such as growth or evolution, exists eternally beyond time and is independent of space or location. Ever untouched by all that occurs in the fields of productivity by way of activity and its outcome, the Knower, due to Its penchant for creative power, yet causes the worlds of creation to effloresce.
It has been stated that vibration is the key to beginnings. It is given that both Bible and Rik Veda describe the movement of the first vibration as God, or Sarasvati, breathing upon the ethereal waters of potential existence. According to the Vedas, OM, or AUM, is that uttered Word, which bears a striking resemblance to Amen, Shalom, Brahma, Rahim, and other sacred syllables in various religious traditions.