Nectar Update

nectar24Nectar of Non-dual Truth


A Journal of Universal Religious and Philosophical Teachings

Welcoming the new Nectar!

Nectar has entered a whole new phase. As we send out this newsletter, our small staff is preparing issue number 24, coming out this Winter, which will be almost twice the size of prior issues. This alone — the opportunity to offer so many inspiring articles in the spirit of true Universalism — is the cause of very high spirits!

Another cause is the enthusiastic response we are receiving from readers about our shift to a donation basis and their willingness to help practically and financially with our free distribution program. So we are asking our Mundamala readers: Where in your town or city could you leave a small stack of Nectar magazines? Is there a spiritual center, new age bookstore, yoga studio, university, or a cafe where open-minded people gather? Let us know, or order extra copies to take there yourself. You can also order copies to give to people you know. Please see our website for details.

Satya (Truth) Amrita (Nectar)

In Sanskrit, amrita (nectar) also means eternal life — and this is, indeed, what we are offering: opportunities to become aware of this Amrita that is our very Essence via the rarefied teachings from Vedanta and the World Religions and Philosophies that appear in each issue of Nectar.

Our Mission
Nectar of Non-Dual Truth is SRV Associations’ heartfelt offering of highest Wisdom to the human community. It is the sincerest form of love and service we know to disseminate nondual Truth and teachings which transmit pure knowledge, pure love, and true universality. Through Nectar we are working out SRV’s mission of spiritual upliftment and education. And for those of us who are devotees of Sri Ramakrishna, Sri Sarada Devi, and Swami Vivekananda, and also students of Babaji Bob Kindler, it is our great privilege to assist in this mission to our capacity. Please join us; this is a universal movement.