Prana – A Missing Link for Inner Life

Prana – A Missing Link for Inner Life

Notes from Babaji’s classes

We have all heard of pranayam, breathing exercises used in Yoga, whether in the popular hatha yoga or the complete and authentic Patanjala Yoga System. Breathing exercises calm the body, which calms the mind.  For ordinary practitioners, this is as far as it goes – a little stress reduction.  But pranayam (literally: control of prana) uses control of the breath to show the spiritual practitioner the presence of prana, or vital force, and that the mind can control it. The autonomic movement of the diaphragm can be controlled.  The energy needed to control it is directed by the mind. Even when it looks as though we are controlling the mind by calming the body via controlled breath, the fact remains that we willed it to happen. We concentrated our mind and two things were controlled: the form and movement of our thoughts (psychic prana) directed to and concentrated on controlling breath, and the movement (vital-force/physical prana) of the diaphragm affected thereby.  Those who become yogis and illumined beings, having learned this lesson, then proceed to control prana for the purpose of spiritual enlightenment.

Western science cannot measure prana, so its existence is rejected or doubted.  Western religion views the manifestations of prana as miraculous or evil.  In popular culture, it is sensationalized as the paranormal or the gateway to prosperity and romance.  But the rishis and yogis, free from selfish desires and exulting in the peace that comes with freedom from the limitations of the senses and attachment to phenomena, have said:
There, at the center, in the heart, where all the subtle nerve endings meet [through which prana flows], Like the spokes of a chariot wheel at the hub, abides the Atman –
Stable, yet becoming manifold.  Meditate upon that Self as Om,
And Godspeed to you in crossing over to the farthest shore
Beyond all darkness.   Om peace, peace, peace. – Mundakopanisad
