“The one whose happiness is within, whose delight is within, whose illumination is within only, that yogi becomes Brahman and gains the Beatitude of Brahman.” – Sri Krishna, Bhagavad Gita, V:24
“The mind keeps well when engaged in work. And yet, japa [repetition of the mantra], meditation and prayer also are specially needed. You must at least sit down once in the morning and again in the evening. That acts as a rudder to a boat.” – Holy Mother, In the Company of the Holy Mother, p. 357-58
“Meditation is feeling the presence of God.” – Babaji Bob Kindler
The Self is infinite. For this reason we can never find ultimate fulfillment in pleasure derived from the objects of the senses that necessarily arise in time and pass away in time. The Infinite can only be satisfied by what is Infinite. Patanjali, the father of Yoga, has given to all beings a complete set of practices, “the Eight-limbed Yoga,” by which to collect the scattered energies of the psycho-physical being and concentrate them upon the Eternal Reality abiding within us. The Eight Limbs are:
- Yamas: non-injury, truthfulness, non-covetousness, continence, non-ownership
- Niyamas: austerity, purity (body and mind), study of the scriptures, contendedness, worship of the Divine Being
- Asana: posture (the single posture best suited for meditation)
- Pranayama: control of the vital energy
- Pratyahara: withdrawing the mind and senses from external objects
- Dharana: concentrating the mind within the heart
- Dhyana: meditation
- Samadhi: divine union
Meditation is the natural culmination of all the yogas. When, in Jnana Yoga, the aspirant identifies only with the perfect Freedom of the Soul, the mind becomes calm and rests naturally in a state of meditation. When, in Bhakti Yoga, the devotee realizes that the Blessed Lord and the Divine Mother are the Self within, that state of union is one of perpetual meditation. When, in Karma Yoga, all action becomes divine action, all will, divine Will, and the sense of agency has disappeared altogether, then the actionlessness of the Self becomes the meditation from which all beneficial action occurs. Meditation with the sangha at the SRV centers is available according to schedule. During his visits, Babaji gives instruction in meditation privately and in group settings. SRV retreats, in particular, provide extended periods of instruction and application enabling aspirants to establish a routine of meditation and to intensify their existing practice.
Suggested Reading:
Raja Yoga, Swami Vivekananda
Meditation and Spiritual Life, Swami Yatiswarananda
Concentration and Meditation, Swami Paramananda
The Four Yogas, by Swami Adishwarananda