SRV Spring Retreat 2014 in Wind River region, WA

The Stunning Insights of Gaudapada’s Karika

Madvacharya.Gaudapadawith Babaji Bob Kindler, Spiritual Director,
SRV Associations

May 22 – 26, 2014

In and throughout the vast sweep of Indian philosophy and religion there is scarcely anything as profound and elevating as Advaita, Nonduality. The identity of the apparently individualized soul with the Supreme Soul (Jivatman and Paramatman) is a subject that transcends all others, and which ennobles the aspiring mind like no other.

Taking Lord Gaudapada’s famous commentary on the Mandukyopanisad, a series of classes will be engaged in that is designed to help the human mind, stuck in relativity and accustomed to duality, to penetrate into the supreme mysteries of nondual Reality. This indepth process, taken up in sacred retreat, will be further implemented via periods of deep meditation.

Location: Windwood Waters retreat site near Stevenson, WA
 Thursday, May 22, between 4:00 & 6:00 pm
 Monday, May 26, 1:00pm
: Tuition and meals: $410 (lodging additional); Student: $225 (lodging additional.
Lodging: Private room single, $240; private room shared with 1 – 2 others, $160/person; semi-private lodge sleeping, $120*; Tenting, $80* *bring your own bedding/towels

Registration: Starts now. Tuition and lodging fees are due by May 16th
Register by email: or by phone 808-990-3354
Financial hardship?  Call 808-990-3354 to discuss options.

 GorgeWindriver Lodge