Weekend Seminar 2013

mala3-Day Weekend Seminar

Mantra Tapas

Teachings on Mantra with Group Japa Practice

August 2 – 4, 2013 <> SRV Oregon Ashram 

The mantra is of key importance.  When karma comes, when trouble comes, it isn’t “I am Brahman” that helps us as much as the mantra.  Knowledge of Brahman is going to help you only if you can transport yourself up to It.  Most beings have to take this grand step over stages.  Therefore, have this knowledge of Brahman working in your consciousness, and in the meantime follow dharma, the practices of spiritual life. – Babaji Bob Kindler

During this weekend seminar, Babaji will present the multileveled facets of mantra and its practice.  As Sri Ramakrishna has stated, “it takes only a tiny germ to kill an elephant.”  The mantra is the germ that kills the elephant of ignorance, ego, distraction, karma, negativity, and more.

SRV Oregon Ashram in Portland

Schedule (in brief): 

Friday, Aug 2:

• Morning Meditation & Class: 6:00am-12:30pm (breakfast served)

• Afternoon Class: 3:00-5:00pm


Saturday, Aug 3:

• Morning Meditation & Class: 6:00am-12:30pm (breakfast served)

• Afternoon Class & Mantra Satsang: 3:00-8:00pm (dinner served)


Sunday, Aug 4:

• Morning Meditation & Class: 6:00am-12:30pm (breakfast served)

• Afternoon Class: 3:00-5:00pm (Seminar ends)

Tuition: $250

Financial hardship?  Call 808-990-3354 to discuss options.
Registration starts now and tuition is due by Sunday, July 21.
Register: by email: srvinfo@srv.org or by phone 808-990-3354

Accommodations: This is a non-residential seminar.  If you are traveling from out of town you will need to make arrangements.  Contact us if you would like assistance. 808-990-3354 // srvinfo@srv.org