Hawaii Winter Retreat 2012

TempleWood Valley on the map

Jnana & Dhyana

The Power of Integrating Scripture and Meditation

A meditation retreat with Babaji Bob Kindler at Wood Valley Temple, Big Island, Hawai’i
January 6 – 9, 2012
“At the height of all levels of the Wisdom-Word, and infused with the Divine Mother’s own power of penetration and dissolution, the great sayings of Sanatana Dharma – the eternal religion of India – assist aspiring beings in destroying the mind’s assumed ignorance and attaining the incomparable spiritual station of nonduality.” – Babaji Bob Kindler
Dates: January 6 – 9 (Friday by 6pm – Monday noon)
Room: $128/person (double/triple occupancy); (single option is $195/$255)
Meals & Tuition: $270  
Total: $398 (financial hardship? Call 808-990-3354)

The temple at a distance.