An Extensive Anthology of Sri Ramakrishna’s Stories
Table of Contents
Introduction xxiii
Part 1—Eternal Principles
I Brahman 3
II Shakti 37
III Ishvara 53
IV Maya 75
V Guru 95
VI Truth 127
VII Grace 131
VIII Samadhi 139
IX Unity 175
X Divine Love 183
XI Universality 199
XII Form and Formlessness 213
XIII Predestination and Auspicious Timing 227
XIV Karma and Reincarnation 239
XV God and the World 253
XVI The Devotee — Illumined and Ever Free 281
Part 2 — Obstacles to Realization
I Insincerity 305
II Worldliness 313
III Ego and Egotism 351
IV Ignorance and Bondage 375
V Desires 387
VI The Passions 397
VII Judgment and Criticism 409
VIII Wickedness and Delusion 415
IX Occult Powers 423
X Sensationalism 429
XI Attachment to Wealth 435
Part 3 — The Spiritual Path
A) Necessities for Successful Spiritual Practice
I Duty and Dharma 447
II Yearning for God 459
III Holy Company 473
B) Specific Practices
IV Sadhana 487
V Discrimination 519
VI Concentration 533
VII Meditation 541
VIII Ritual and Image Worship 549
IX Prayer 557
X Chanting the Holy Names 563
XI Self-Surrender 577
C) The Results of Spiritual Practice
XII Character 583
XIII Guilelessness 593
XIV Faith 601
XV Devotion 615
XVI Knowledge 629
XVII Direct Perception 665
XVIII Renunciation 677
XVIV Compassion 689
Sanskrit Glossary 693
Vedic Teachings Glossary 719
Vedic Teachings Appendix 722
Cross-Reference Index with the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna 725