In The Spirit Individual – Sikhism

In The Spirit: Sikhism

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179. Yogi Bhajan ~ Interspersed with music by the Khalsa String Band, Lex Hixon hosts Yogi Bhajan who speaks to the New York listeners.

180. Khalsa String Band ~ Lex Hixon has special guests in the form of the members of the Khalsa String Band, Sikhs and students of Yogi Bhajan.

181. Yogi Bhajan ~ The Sikh leader, Yogi Bhajan, joins Lex Hixon on In The Spirit for some dialogue around spiritual matters. (1974)

182. Sujan Singh Uban ~ Guest host Salik Schwartz speaks with General Sujan Singh Uban about issues regarding spiritual life and the world. (1978)