

Divine Mother

New CD Set

Divine Mother & Her Wisdom

Comprising the ninth in a series of spontaneous spiritual discourses by Babaji Bob Kindler, this four cd set explores teachings and stories inspired by the revealed scriptures of India, especially in the Tantric vein which emphasizes the heart-melting presence of the Divine Mother of the Universe.

In the enthralling press of this wisdom transmission, the Mother is portrayed and revealed in Her aspect as the Goddess of Wisdom who, in Her incomparable compassion, exudes teachings that both redeem and save all aspiring seekers of Truth, sending them “omwards” towards the superlative heights of transcendence — referred to as moksha or mukti, spiritual emanicipation, by the seers.

CD $45.00

The Four Yogas

Coalescing the Four Yogas

Studious, contemplative, devotional, and active — these are the four types of human temperaments. The four yogas — Jnana, Raja, Bhakti, and Karma — correspond directly to these essential natures of living beings. By assigning the practices advised by these four yogas to the challenges and problems found in study, meditation, worship, and works, the aspiring soul can master life, attain realization, and help other beings to do the same. This set, recorded live in an ashram setting, outlines the attributes and directives of each of the four major yogas of Vedic dharma. Age-old misconceptions around the proposed incompatibility of the practices of knowledge and devotion, and the seemingly contradictory ways of action and inaction, are rendered nil and void, as the obvious and preferable path of coalescence is brought forth and elucidated upon.

CD $45.00


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Spiritual Awakening Through Mantra

The eternal principle of mantra, the repetition of a sacred utterance given by the guru at the time of initiation into the spiritual path, is truly a universal practice bearing excellent results. It is crucial to spiritual life and endeavor. In this discourse, the first in an ever-growing and on-going series of live recorded spiritual talks, Babaji Bob Kindler provides nearly four hours of informational teachings on this marvelous purificatory tool. Japa of the mantra aids in inner focus, but eventually leads beyond the ability to concentrate, culminating in the facility to awaken the inner vision of the Chosen Ideal of the meditator resulting in experiences of intense love, profound wisdom, and increased devotion to God.

CD $45.00  

Points and Principles of the Upanishads

In the boundless and inspirational realm of spiritual literature the Upanishads are unique and hold a special place in the hearts of the devotees. From the wonders of dualism to higher perspective of qualified nondualism, but accenting their especial feature — Advaita Vedanta — these timeless scriptures weave a tapestry of truisms unrivaled in the realm of religion and philosophy. In discourse number 2, Babaji Bob Kindler meticulously explores the vast scope of enlightening material found in Upanishadic lore, including Hindu cosmology, the art of spiritual discipline, the doctrine of karma, the boon and efficacy of a guru, the enigma of liberation from suffering and ignorance, and the Eternal Principles of Atman and Brahman.

CD $45.00  


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Fundamentals of Vedanta I

Fundamentals of Vedanta The emergence of Vedanta upon the world scene today is of immense benefit to embodied beings suffering in the cruel traps of sensuality and materialism. Like an underground river, Vedantic Truth, timeless and pervasive, nourishes everything on the surface. To take advantage of such nourishment, however, requires increased awareness of the fundamentals of this great philosophical system. This first installment of Vedantic basics introduces several of its foundational principles, such as how a spiritual aspirant gains qualification, how Reality is seen in all of Its aspects, how Reality gets covered in the act of false superimposition, how detachment is gained and utilized, the concepts of form and formlessness, how Truth is heard, contemplated and realized and more.

CD $45.00  


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Fundamentals of Vedanta II

Part two of this series explores more of the principles and teachings that make up Vedanta Philosophy. In addition to revealing the powers of Ishvara, the personal God, and the essential nature of the Nondual Brahman, this inspiring discourse covers such wide and diverse topics as the Hindu caste system, the three types of karma, the four fruits of life, and the various stages of the mind’s spiritual evolution. Such classic Vedantic teachings as the fourfold mind (antahkarana) and the fives sheaths of human existence (adhara system) are also introduced and treated in terminology that is in keeping with tradition yet easy of comprehension.

CD $45.00  

The Evolutes of Maya

The enigmatic, incomprehensible and inexorable presence of Maya cannot be explained, or explained away. Its influence ceases only with the dissolution of the finite mind and its limitations into the highest nondual experience, called Nirvikalpa Samadhi in Vedanta. Along the road leading to such superlative experience beings must learn how to cope with the inexplicable, which plagues them unmercifully amidst all the circuitous pathways that riddle relative existence. This revealing discourse tells of the many dangers of Maya as told by the ancient adepts, gathered into a definitive list by Babaji Bob Kindler for the benefit of the avid aspirant desirous of Truth alone. How Maya deludes, how it helps liberate, its modes and evolutes — all are discussed at length in this informative and life-saving testament.

CD $45.00  

Axioms of Advaita

After an in-depth study of Vedanta in all its aspects is undertaken and achieved, it becomes clear why Swami Vivekananda called it the future religion of the world. And nowhere is the validity of this statement seen to be more actual than in the truths of Advaita, Vedanta’s unique nondual facet. The doing away with false identification, the death of ignorance in the human mind, the illusory nature of the human ego, the healthy shock of perceiving the unreality of the phenomenal objective world, the dawning again of the state of Absolute Freedom, the vision of pure, conscious Awareness – all based on and in Advaita, nonduality — is what is shared herein. Included is an enlightening fifteen step meditation according to Advaita Vedanta, including its radical teaching on posture and breathing.

CD $45.00  

Bhagavad Gita

In this 4 volume set of discourses spanning at least 3 years of classes and covering all 18 chapters of the Bhagavad Gita, Babaji Bob Kindler, follows the tradition of Sutradhara. The sutradhara is simultaneously the connecting thread running through the verses of scripture and the one who makes the connection for the listener. In this fashion, Babaji has highlighted verses in each chapter that are especially significant teachings of the Blessed Lord, Sri Krishna, for this day and age. In his own unique style, Babaji extracts the teachings of these verses and translates them into systematic methods for removing obstacles to our spiritual growth, attaining self-mastery, recognizing the traits of illumined beings, and more. Though some verses receive more attention than others, all verses of the Gita are included in this series.

Chapters 1-4 CD $45.00  
Chapters 5-9 CD $45.00  
Chapters 10-14 CD $45.00  
Chapters 15-19 CD $45.00  
Full Set CD $150.00  


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SRV Associations | P.O. Box 1364 | Honokaa, Hawaii 96727