Hawai’i Retreat: Making Crucial Spiritual Connections

January 17 – 19, 2015 Last month Babaji and the SRV Hawai’i Sangha held a retreat at a new location that became an instant favorite, and which has paved the way for an annual retreat on the Big Island over Martin Luther King weekend.  Over 50 years ago, Reverend King shared his dream of equality, freedom, and opportunity for all. …

And Mother Claps Her Hands

The most recent Divine Mother season at the Portland Ashram was particularly auspicious, as we welcomed two new initiates to the sangha after the conclusion of the beautiful and sublime Durga Puja. Anahata Shabdini SRV has had the great good fortune recently to conduct our retreats at Windwood Waters, a verdant retreat center near Stevenson, Washington. Our hosts have been …

Divine Tools for Inspiration – 2014 & 2015

“Guru Parampara” means transmission of the spiritual lineage from teacher to disciple, who then becomes a teacher for others, and so on. The transmission of Sarada Ramakrishna Vivekananda flows to us through Babaji Bob Kindler and Lex Hixon from their teachers, Swami Aseshananda and Swami Nikhilananda, both of whom were disciples of Holy Mother, Sri Sarada Devi. The wisdom and …

The Best Austerity

Inestimable Blessings of Advaita Puja October is the auspicious time of Divine Mother worship.  It ensures that spiritual aspirants around the world can avail themselves of the privilege of adoring Her, and acquire the boon of blessings that proceed, abundantly, from such utter dedication.  The ceremonies, over nine days (Navaratri), are not just rituals; they are expressions of God worshipping …

Durga Puja – Some Reminiscences

Durga Puja – Some Reminiscences by Annapurna Puja is slow, gradual beauty, distilled, God slowed down in vibration so that the senses can actually perceive Him. –Babaji Bob Kindler Durga Puja, the special autumn worship of the Divine Mother, is an important event for the SRV sangha in our annual cycle.  It is a time when we “reset” our spiritual …

15th Anniversary Issue

15th Anniversary Issue of Nectar! “The proof of one religion depends on theproof of all the rest.” Swami Vivekananda❖“I have practiced and realized the goal of the different religious traditions of the world and, making a fragrant garland of them, have offered them reverently at the feet of the Divine Mother.” Sri Ramakrishna Issue #30 in 2015 represents fifteen years …

A Message from Swami Vivekananda

A Message from Swami Vivekananada Excerpts from “Freedom of the Soul” from Jnana Yoga A lecture from Swami Vivekananda in London on November 5, 1896 If you say that the soul was by its own nature pure and free, it naturally follows that there was nothing in this universe which could make it bound or limited.  But if there was …

Spring & Summer Retreats, Reflection, Seminar

GAUDAPADA RETREATAt night, one shuts out the outer senses and takes on the inner senses.  Therefore we have subtle elements and subtle senses too. Turn your senses off; then the objects will go away.Turn off your mind, and the senses and objects will both go away.  Then search for origins. The soul creates the rays of the mind, which are …

Thank You – Almost There!

Many of you received our Fundraising Update and appeal on August 31. Immediately, we received over $1,000 in donations and end of year pledges! We still need $8,000 to finish our financial obligations for the year. [missed that email? click here.] Speaking plainly, we sent the appeal out to 250 people, but only 4 people have responded. We need everyone’s …

Reflection: Seattle Sivaratri Retreat

March 2014 Babaji’s teachings at the Seattle retreat opened up my mind to the wisdom teachings of the ancient sages and seers. His book, “Reclaiming Kundailini Yoga.” helped me understand the chakras and their true purpose. I then read his new book, “Dissolving the Mindstream.” Babaji’s books are filled with visual charts that aid our minds in following the spiritual …