Embracing Calm Equanimity

Embracing Calm Equanimity Namaste, and heartfelt greetings to the SRV Sangha and its many friends and supporters: A message for any issue of Munda Mala is always a joy to write, for one of the best aspects of life entails finding and experiencing an authentic Guru, sincere aspirants, and dharmic teachings along the spiritual path.  Lord Kapila, early on in …

Birth in the Dharma

In conjunction with our occasional Mundamala feature, “And Mother Claps Her Hands,” which introduces the sangha to newly initiated members, this new offering “Birth in the Dharma,” celebrates the arrival of souls born into the SRV sangha.  The strengthening of the householder ashrama through the practice of dharma and its various sadhanas in this age is crucial for the highest …

Antaranga – Swami Subodhananda

The monastic disciples of Sri Ramakrishna are each a unique spiritual personality, representing the Master and carrying his message throughout India and the world. They all were of exemplary character, vast spiritual depth, and they widely influenced many souls in their own lifetime, as well as those of future generations. After the great light that was Sri Ramakrishna left this …

Getting over the “How” of Spiritual Life (Just do it)

Getting over the “How” of Spiritual Life (Just do it) by Annapurna Sarada Recently, I have been part of some conversations concerning the desire of sangha members to know exactly “how” to put particular teachings into practice.   Of course, we love to have this modeled for us, but it seems that we forget that we have that at hand.  For …

Hawai’i Retreat: Making Crucial Spiritual Connections

January 17 – 19, 2015 Last month Babaji and the SRV Hawai’i Sangha held a retreat at a new location that became an instant favorite, and which has paved the way for an annual retreat on the Big Island over Martin Luther King weekend.  Over 50 years ago, Reverend King shared his dream of equality, freedom, and opportunity for all. …

And Mother Claps Her Hands

The most recent Divine Mother season at the Portland Ashram was particularly auspicious, as we welcomed two new initiates to the sangha after the conclusion of the beautiful and sublime Durga Puja. Anahata Shabdini SRV has had the great good fortune recently to conduct our retreats at Windwood Waters, a verdant retreat center near Stevenson, Washington. Our hosts have been …

Autumn Retreat Over Lakshmi Puja

              The Seven Goddess Upanisads October 13th – 17th, 2016Seattle, Washington Similar to SRV’s Fall retreat of 2015, wherein the Devi Upanisad was presented and studied indepth, Babaji Bob Kindler will take another of the Seven Goddess Upanisads up for examination and contemplation. Arrival: Thursday, October 13 after dinner, at 9:00pmDeparture: Monday, October 17, …

Summer Seminar at SRV Ashram

The Samadhis of Yoga August 14 – 16, 2015 Location: SRV Oregon Ashram in Portland, OR Satsang Friday, August 14: 7pm Saturday, August 15: 6:00am – 8:00pm (breakfast/dinner) Sunday, August 16: 6:00am – 5:00pm (breakfast only) Tuition: $206 adult, $100 studentRegister by email: srvinfo@srv.org or by phone 808-990-3354. Credit cards are accepted and requires an additional handling charge (2.4% adult, 2.6% student).Accommodations: …

American River Summer Retreat 2016

Saints, Sages, Seers, Saviors and Their Teachings with Sri Sivanam Sankirtanam ChantingPlus: Western Women Pioneers of Vedanta, with Annapurna Sarada Live in holy company for a full week — meditating, studying, serving, and growing together. Each morning begins with chanting from the Bhagavad Gita prior to meditation. Daily classes include essential teachings of Yoga, Vedanta, Tantra, and Sankhya. Afternoons include …

Spring Retreat over Memorial Day

Manasana: The Art of Mental Posture May 21 – 25th, 2015Wind River region, Washington The most beneficial usage of an asana is mental, not physical. As the scriptures of India declare, “Not by hundreds and thousands of body postures,but by control of the mind, does the soul reach Enlightenment.” In SRV’s Spring retreat at Windwood Waters near the Columbia River …