Reflection: Seattle Sivaratri Retreat

March 2014 Babaji’s teachings at the Seattle retreat opened up my mind to the wisdom teachings of the ancient sages and seers. His book, “Reclaiming Kundailini Yoga.” helped me understand the chakras and their true purpose. I then read his new book, “Dissolving the Mindstream.” Babaji’s books are filled with visual charts that aid our minds in following the spiritual …

And Mother Claps Her Hands…

When the teachings of Vedanta are encountered by a soul that is ripe and ready to hear these Eternal Truths, an irresistible attraction ensues which draws the devotee ever deeper into this sublime philosophy.  By way of illustration, Sri Ramakrishna once narrated an amusing and interesting story: “One day a farmer was working in his garden.  When he stopped to …

A Radiant Regimen

Namaste SRV students, devotees, and blessed readers of Munda Mala: We find ourselves at the beginning of another Spring season, brooking an auspicious Gaudapada Karika Retreat on the Columbia River Gorge in late May.  The transmigrating collective mind of humanity floats in such teachings of Nonduality, and in other precious ethers of dharmic consistency; it is all a matter of …

Antaranga – Swami Yogananda

Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi has stated that with the advent of Sri Ramakrishna, a new golden age has commenced. In this incarnation He came accompanied by extraordinary souls. This inner circle is commonly known as the sixteen direct disciples. Among these sixteen, Sri Ramakrishna declared that six of his disciples were ishvarakotis – souls that are eternally free and …

Autumn Retreat 2014

Navaratri Retreat on Lakshmi Puja Prana and the Illusion of DeathOctober 9-13th, Stevenson, Washington The 2014 Fall retreat offered by SRV Associations occurs over the auspicious Navaratri period and its worship of the Divine Mother of the Universe, with one of its days falling on Lakshmi Puja.  Select teachings from the Chandhi and the Srimad Devi Bhagavatam will highlight the …

Summer Retreat 2014

SRV American River Retreat over Independence Day The Life and Teachings of Swami VivekanandaJuly 3 – 9, Forest Hill, California For the forthcoming 2014 summer retreat, with its profound subject of The Life and Teachings of Swami Vivekananda, the accent will be placed upon the great swami’s relationship and observances of the Western culture and its people after he arrived …

Spiritual Director’s Message

Transmuting Poison to Nectar Aloha to all friends, members, students, initiates, and devotees of SRV: As we settle into the bardo called 2014, our first opportunity to congregate this year as a truth-seeking sangha is also upon us. I will attend on the West Coast ashrams from mid-February to mid-March, and I come bearing gifts. We have three new ripe …

In Memoriam: John Dobson

The world of Vedanta and cosmology lost a good friend in January. John Dobson was a devoted student and proponent of Advaita Vedanta. John spent twenty three years living in the Hollywood Vedanta Center as a monk in the Ramakrishna Order. He left the order in 1967 but remained closely aligned, returning for frequent lectures. He spent the last several …

Wisdom in Practice

  Developing Witness Consciousness through Karma Yogaby Joshua Sri Ramakrishna has stated that karma yoga is a very difficult path toward God realization. This is because desire for the fruit can easily and stealthily creep into the mind, often without the aspirant’s knowledge. Those living in the world might ask, “Of what spiritual benefit is the performance of action? Of …