Sunday Class – Yogachudamani Upanisad

Sundays: September 22, 29, October 6

Yogachudamani Upanisad

Of the 108 existing Upanisads of Vedanta, the Yogachudamani is one of twenty Upanisads which deal specifically with the subject of Yoga, seven of which concern themselves with Raja Yoga and Kundalini Yoga tenets.  Associated with the Sama Veda, it is considered the “chudamani,” or crest jewel, of such scriptures.

Amidst the Yogachudamani’s 121 mantrams, special teachings regarding prana, nadis, chakras, and The Word (pranava), AUM, are to be found.  The anga (limb) of pranayam is also explained clearly, with an emphasis on the liberating practice of ajapa mantra.

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