In The Spirit Radio Interviews

A Ground-Breaking Interfaith Program

in the spiritFrom the early 1970’s through the late 1980’s, Lex Hixon hosted a radio program in New York City that was unprecedented in its depth, scope, insight and creativity. Entitled “In The Spirit,” it appeared as both “Body/ Mind/Spirit” for a time and “Spirit/Mind/Body” as well. On this long running inspirational program that spanned two decades, and which was sponsored in listener- supported fashion on WBAI Radio, Lex interviewed educators, healers, clergy, authors, artists, psychics, spiritual leaders, teachers and a host of others.

As a list, the fruit of this selfless work reads like a comprehensive Who’s Who of the spiritual, artistic and intellectual heart and mind of both eastern and western cultures. With subtle tenderness and insight, though never lacking the penetrating edge which makes for excellent broadcasting, Lex welcomed the orthodox and the unorthodox, the conservative and the radical, the famous and the obscure, the popular and the controversial, the powerful and the humble, the aggressive and the retiring. He interviewed swamis, priests, roshis, rabbis/rebbes, sheikhs, sufis, rinpoches, yogis, gurus, poets, musicians, psychics, occultists, authors, writers, teachers, politicians, businessmen and more ~ a collection which also includes such guests and subjects as the Dalai Lama, Mother Teresa and Krishnamurti.

In the Spirit Radio Programs – An Interfaith Library

The ITS programs are available in three types of CD packages: Individual, Trio Sets, and a Complete Library.
Click here for MP3 downloads of these programs.


Read a summary of and/or purchase from our selection of 330 individual unedited programs in any of the 23 categories.

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Trio Sets

The trio sets feature three specially selected interview programs with Lex Hixon within a religious genre.

Complete Library

The full set of 330 programs is available at a special discount for individuals and organizations. These unedited programs carry all the historical flavor and intensity of the original broadcasts. For more information, please email us.