Message from Annapurna Sarada

Special Recognitions
2010 was a year of especial seva on the part of our sangha.  Truly, my heart overflows when I think of the way so many of our brothers and sisters came forward to help at the centers, in supporting SRV’s prison ministry during our True Freedom fundraiser, who have taken on various chores.  At the risk of leaving someone out, for which I beg your indulgence ahead of time, and also that our spread-out sangha can have some idea of how we work together in sadhana and seva,  appreciation goes out to (this is not in any particular order):

  • Nischaya & Anurag (OR) – for keeping the Vedantic wisdom and devotional atmosphere flowing in the Portland Ashram between Babaji’s visits.
  • Dattatreya for leading classes when Anurag can’t.
  • Bhavatarini Ma – who tirelessly and quietly tends the fires of Love and Wisdom in San Francisco.
  • Loke Ma – for all she does…most of us have no idea…and also leading the reading circle in Hawaii when Babaji is away.
  • Prakasha and Sara (OR) – whose design, promotional and organizing skills were at the functional heart of True Freedom, and also Sara’s invaluable insight into Facebook rabbit holes.
  • The whole Portland Sangha for supporting, slaving, and turning out for True Freedom…and all those who sent donations.
  • Jnanasri (OR) for fixing stuff at the ashram.
  • Paragati and Joan for growing temple flowers.
  • Joan and Jagadaya (OR) for weatherizing it.
  • Medha (OR)  for filling in the gaps from ashram to fundraiser….
  • Our sangha mentoring team (OR) – you know who you are – for your consistency and good will.
  • Brian Hochhalter (OR) for doing all our shipping and more.
  • Sanmarga (OR) for printing and mailing Raja Yoga to all our prison students.
  • Richard Ward (SC) for researching print on demand publishing.
  • Sanatanand (HI) for taking over the Hawaii scheduling and flyer making.
  • Bhama, Sarito, Sanat, Thais, and Susan (HI) who performed mighty feats of cleaning and cooking for our Hawaii retreat.
  • Kanyakali (HI) who is leading the Strategic Planning Committee, and those of you beginning to serve on that committee.
  • Bharati and Hansin (SF) for sharing Vedanta with children at the public school (see story this issue).
  • Mahesh (SF/OR) for his technical assistance in the cyber and computer akashas in India and here at home.
  • Sandra and Bhavatarini Ma for opening their homes for retreats.
  • Bhama, Sarito, Babette, Kanya and Thais (HI) for making your homes available for Babaji’s Sunday classes in Hawai’i.