Sangha News


SRV’s First Annual Plan
During the first three months of 2011, a few intrepid sangha members came together to devise SRV’s first-ever Strategic Plan.  A major priority in this plan is to bring SRV and our website into the digital download era in order that Babaji’s books, discourses, our Nectar of Nondual Truth journal, and SRV’s founder Lex Hixon’s works, can be available to anyone with internet access!

Appreciation goes to Sara, Prakasha, Mahesh, Anurag, Kanyakali, and Sanatanand for creativity and perseverance in bringing forth the plan.  

Next is implementation:
There will be several working committees.  If you want to help, contact Kanyakali to find out how:

Strategic Plan April 2011 – March 2012
Our highest priority is to more broadly spread the word about SRV’s offerings by increasing our outreach efforts, both electronically and locally, to reach a large number of people.


  • Website
  • Content
  • Facebook
  • Publishing
  • Local Outreach