Zoom Class Guidelines

Namaste! When attending Zoom classes and seminars, it is part of our dharmic practice to set an atmosphere that is respectful and reverent.  Afterall, we are sitting with a teacher who is sharing the “noblest philosophy known to humankind” as Swami Vivekananda put it – the Knowledge and methods that lead to Liberation.  Here’s how you can uphold this sacred …

Global Festival of Oneness 2021

Advaita Academy celebrated Shankara Jayanti 2021 by organizing the 2nd Annual Global Festival of Oneness, from May 17 to June 16th. As part of the festival they featured talks by around 60 Scholars, Sages, and Seekers to share about Shankara’s life, works, and influence across multiple dimensions that include Philosophy, Oneness, Leadership and more. Babaji Bob Kindler speaks on Shankara’s …

Message from Babaji: Dharmic Rules & Practices During Challenging Times

Namaste All, and Aloha from Hawaii:I thought to write a general message to help orient, or reorient, all SRV practitioners and friends who are presently seeing this fresh health challenge loom before them.  The new kid on the block of potential doubt, fear, and suffering is this little germ that seems to have caught everyone off guard, and started the already way-too-vociferous tongues …

Jai Ma Music’s Latest Music Video

   Meditate, Oh Mind, on the Mystery of Mother Kali…  Click on Mother Kali’s image above for music video. | View photos of Sri Sri Kali Puja 2020 at Belur Math.

Antaranga – Swami Yogananda

Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi has stated that with the advent of Sri Ramakrishna, a new golden age has commenced. In this incarnation He came accompanied by extraordinary souls. This inner circle is commonly known as the sixteen direct disciples. Among these sixteen, Sri Ramakrishna declared that six of his disciples were ishvarakotis – souls that are eternally free and …