A Retrospective: A day spent at the San Francisco Ashram

January 17th, a most auspicious day – Swami Vivekananda’s blessed Birthday

I arrived at the San Francisco Ashram in mid afternoon with the sun shining but still a chill in the air. Walking in the front door always reminds me of going home, a familiar smell and a warm welcoming feeling. Knowing that the shrine room is just below me sends a wave of love to and through my heart.

Today is my first class with the children and I am excited, shy and really looking forward to it. I feel that I too need the children’s class and want to soak up the teachings that I know will be presented in a simple way.

Upcoming Schedule Highlights

SRV Portland — 4204 SE 31st Ave.,  Call 503-774-2410:Babaji returns for 3 weekends of classes, satsangs, and worship.  View SRV Calendar Apr. 3, Fri., 6pm, Ram Navami Puja with Ram Bhajans Apr. 4, Sat., 9:30am, Class: Vivekachudamani Apr. 5, Sun., 9:30am, Class: Vivekachudamani Apr. 8, Wed., 7pm, Special Class: The Ideal of Hanuman with Anuraga Apr. 10, Fri., 7pm, First …

Inside Nectar of Non-Dual Truth, issue #24

New Release date:  Mid SpringWe appreciate your patience and support, and are certain that you will find this next issue worth the wait.  We are extremely pleased with the content!  Scroll down for a sneak preview: Our distribution network is powered by our Readers Send us the names and addresses of centers, churches, schools, cafes – anywhere Nectar would be …

News from SRV Hawaii

mapThe Hawaii sangha is a strong core group of 5 intrepid students who will travel 3 hours for a Sunday class!  Since the closing of the Honoka’a ashram in 2007, our Hawaii classes with Babaji have taken to the road, meeting regularly at the homes of our sangha.

SRV Sangha News

paragatiAnd Mother Claps Her Hands…
SRV welcomes a new initiate in Portland. She has been bestowed by Babaji with the name Paragati, which means “Supreme Goal.”  She took initiation during our Holy Mother’s Birthday Celebration. Paragati is a therapist in private practice and also teaches group classes in mindfulness training. Her primary focus is working with archetypal pattern analysis and hakomi.
Since initiation she has experienced a deepening in her practice and meditation and feels closer to Mother and a grace that burns through karmas. She says that making such a commitment as initiation brings clarity of focus that calls us to a new level of being.





Art, Poetry & Vedanta
Prashanta Prakasha/ Benjamin Cavalcanti our dear sangha brother has recently published a book of poems and drawings entitled “Drawings, Questions, and Statements.” The book is a collection of drawings and philosophical writings created over a three-year span and gathered together during a period of profound transition in the artist’s life. Prakasha left the Portland Ashram after having lived there as a resident for several months and upon arriving in Oakland found himself swirling in a maelstrom of life changes and transitions, not the least of which was impending fatherhood.

2009 Retreats & India Pilgrimage

Sri Ramakrishna advised the householders to spend time in retreat, solitude, and holy company. In this way the “chronic disease” of worldliness, also described as “mundane human convention” by Lex Hixon, could be lessened, and love for God intensified. As Shankaracharya sings in Bhaja Govindam: “From the company of the good arises nonattachment, from nonattachment arises freedom from delusion, from freedom from delusion arises steadfastness, and from steadfastness arises liberation in this life.”

Spring, Summer & Fall Retreats

In 2009, SRV Associations is offering three retreats and Babaji is leading a pilgrimage to India.

Spring: Retreat on An All-Inclusive Advaita

Summer: American River Retreat over Guru Purnima

Fall: Mother Kali Retreat

December 2009 Pilgrimage: Sri Ramakrishna world headquarters in Kolkata, Dakshineswar Kali Temple, Benares, Delhi, and Rishikesh.  If you are interested please contact Babaji directly.

Elucidation from Babaji
on retreats and Jnana (spiritual Knowledge) and the blessings they confer:

Winter 2008

Selected Class Notes from Babaji’s Winter classes in Oregon, San Francisco, and the Prison classes – Dec. 2008 to Jan. 2009

SRV Ashram[Babaji’s arrival in Portland coincided with the snowiest weather in Portland in decades.  For two weeks snow chains and tires, skis, sleds, snow shoes, and snow shovels were a daily experience and sight for all. It was a challenge for many students to come, and those with four wheel drive helped the others. Those of us in the ashram experienced that rare hush that falls upon an urban dwelling when snow blankets the rooftop.] 

[“Sarva Shukla” — All white, is the epithet given to Saraswati, Goddess of the Word, who sets in motion that Knowledge that becomes the worlds of name and form and the Wisdom teachings that lead us back to our Source.  Our weeks with Babaji were, as always, a constant flow of Mother’s Wisdom.  Following are some excerpts.] 

Vedanta & Spirituality: Teachings on the Atman

Last January we held the first of what we hope will be a series of special classes on Vedanta and Spirituality for children connected to our San Francisco SRV center, also known as The Healing Center of San Francisco anchored by Bhavatarini Ma (Jocelyne Nielsen).  Our next class is scheduled for March 29 in the afternoon.  Please call 415-468-4680 for more information.

A group of five boys and girls ranging in age from 5yrs to 8yrs attended this class taught by Annapurna, which included an introduction to ceremonial worship that they could participate in, meditation with Babaji, and special “hands-on” teachings designed to acquaint young minds with foundational teachings such as “I am not the body”; the real Self (Soul) doesn’t change when the body or mind changes; and all Souls are one with God and all other Souls.

Authentic Self-Effort

bjmmNamaste and Namaskar from the timeless realm of India, and aloha from the ocean-locked lands of Hawaii,

The present issue of SRV Association’s Mundamala arrives to you in time for my forthcoming dharma visit to the mainland centers in Oregon and San Francisco, and is adequately demonstrative of all the sterling ideals which we strive to meditate upon in spiritual life.  And since selfless service and detached activity are very much a part of our life and path in the world, this email newsletter finds the mark there as well, sporting articles on the several branches of religious endeavor SRV undertakes to fulfill, all evinced from the powerful platform of sacrifice in nonduality.  And here is where life in the world and existence in the Spirit come together so well in Sri Ramakrishna’s realm.  Not content to merely act selflessly and dharmically amidst the changing stream of phenomena which plays itself out daily and yearly in physical space, SRV devotees, initiates, members, and students move to further their understanding of universal dharma and deepen their commitment and dedication to its tenets at the same time, thus transforming what is otherwise only a relative existence into a divine life of realization and spiritual expression.

Adhara, The System of the Five Koshas

by Annapurna/Leigh Anne Gurtov In Vedanta philosophy, Adhara, meaning “container,” refers to those sheaths (koshas) in which Consciousness manifests Itself.  There are positive and negative assertions that help the aspirant to distinguish or separate the Atman (the true Self/Soul) from the five sheaths.  A traditional analogy explains this by speaking of five kinds of lentils that are all mixed together.  …