Visit an SRV Center!

We have centers in Portland, Oregon and on the Big Island of Hawaii.  Everyone is welcome to our meditations, classes and pujas. They are always free of charge. Please check the main Calendar or visit the link for a specific center to see the center’s location and full schedule.  

In The Spirit Radio

Lex Hixon hosted this ground-breaking radio program from the 1970’s – early 1990’s on WBAI in New York City. A remarkable time in the spiritual history of the United States, In the Spirit covered and broadcasted an amazing period of great openness and experimentation. In these programs and interviews are captured the Dalai Lama’s first visit to the American people, …

Audio Discourses

Since 2001 we have been recording classes given by Babaji Bob Kindler at our SRV Ashrams. Some of these classes have been carefully edited and grouped into thematic discourse sets on Vedanta, Mantra, Advaita, the Upanisads, Maya, and the Bhagavad Gita, which you can find on our online store. Now, however, we are in the process of re-editing all of …

Seven Peace Chants

Svadhyaya (study, memorization, and recitation of the revealed scriptures) is an important part of SRV sangha life. Students are encouraged to memorize all seven peace chants in both Sanskrit and English and recite them daily. Contemplating their meanings is a sure way to vitalize one’s daily meditation practice. Lord Buddha stated, “The rust of monasteries is non-recitation of the scriptures; …

Winter/Spring 2008

  In the second issue of Mundamala we announced that Babaji had agreed to a request by the SRV Board of Directors to extend the length of his visits to the mainland. In his longest West Coast visit to date, Babaji has just recently completed five and a half weeks of teachings, initiations, concerts, classes, and pujas, culminating in a …

India’s Advaita Vedanta

Integrator of Paths, Faiths, and Philosophies by Babaji Bob Kindler Indian Philosophy and Practice in All Religious Traditions In all religions — Hinduism, Christianity, Judaism, etc., it is mundane convention which acts as the main despoiler, veiling most of the transformative substance naturally present within them. The world, and especially the Christian-based West, must take a cold, hard look at …

Nectar of Advaitic Instruction

Babaji Bob Kindler answers questions from students About that nondual teaching that Vedanta proposes first and foremost, mainly ‘God is real, the world is unreal’ — if one understands that properly, what does it do to one’s actions and responsibilities in the world? How can one function? Vedanta states emphatically that “Brahman is real and the world is unreal” — …

Vedanta and Tantra: The Two Great Streams

by Babaji Bob Kindler   “In the Sanatana Dharma (Eternal Truth), Sankhya provides the cosmological structure, Vedanta, the uncompromising and unalloyed Truth of indivisible Existence, Knowledge and Bliss, and Tantra and Yoga offer and define the method and the practice. All of the above, together, represent the consummate path and way.” Vedanta, the conclusion of the Vedas, with its broad …

Hastamalakacharya’s Story

by Babaji Bob Kindler  The author of this nondual stotram, mute from birth, was actually a mahasiddha who had entered into a drowned baby’s body to console the mother.  After the wondrous incident related below, he became one of Shankara’s four main disciples and wandered with him throughout India.  Hasta-amalaka means, “fruit in the palm of one’s hand,” and has …

Peace and Nonviolence

Ahimsa’s Multiple Shades of Meaning by Babaji Bob Kindler  Are war, its violence, and its injustices only a result of external circumstances, or are they products of subtler inner ramifications?  Most original thinkers believe it is the latter case.  If this is accepted as fact, it places all the possibilities, as well as all the responsibilities for peace, fully in …