Spiritual Artforms

Srishti Rahasya – The Secret of Creation by Babaji Bob Kindler  ALL OF CREATION is verily an excellent artform, is God’s handiwork. Therefore, to receive an inkling of what true art is all about, it would benefit everyone immensely to “look” long and longingly, via focused internal and external meditation, at the consummate Artist, called Brahman, Ishvara, Allah, Yah Weh, …

Stories as Scripture

The Avatar’s Unique Way of Teaching by Babaji Bob Kindler In order to make the truths of existence known to embodied beings in need of relief from suffering, who are searching for fulfillment or seeking eternal life, the great beings who have blessed this earth have often taken recourse to stories based upon incidents of everyday life. Such was the …

Striving for Spirituality

 A Testament to the Eternal Teachings and their Practices by Babaji Bob Kindler UNDERLYING EVERY WALK OF LIFE, pertaining to all relative occupations, and contained within every philosophy — personal, collective or empyrean — there exists a fourfold axiom that is undeniable and most worthy of notice. Primarily, there is an Ultimate Truth that holds within It the eternal principles …

The Evolutes of Maya – Part 1

by Babaji Bob Kindler IN THE SRIMAD DEVI BHAGAVATAM, the definitive holy scripture of the sacred Divine Mother path, Lord Vishnu states: “Whoever is endowed with the three gunas, be he a knower of the Vedas, or a Yogin, or a conqueror of his passions, or all-knowing, is not able to conquer Maya.” Lord Vishnu’s loving devotee, sage Narada, found …

Universalism and Nonduality

by Babaji Bob Kindler UNIVERSALISM IS A PRINCIPLE whose time has come. It has received auspicious mention in the scriptures where the Rishis of ancient India stated, “Truth is one, sages call it by different names.” It has received homage from illumined beings whereas in contemporary times Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa lovingly declared, “I have gathered the many flowers of different …

Guruyoga in Contemporary Times

Defining and Honoring the Timeless Path of Guru and Disciple by Babaji Bob Kindler In this day and age, Guruyoga — the path to enlightenment via taking refuge in an illumined soul — is unpopular. There are those rare ones who recognize and dedicate themselves to the few authentic luminaries who selflessly and sincerely serve God in mankind, but more …