Receiving the Fortune of Vedanta

SRV Oregon: Older Girls’ Weekend Retreat, April 2009

Our second weekend retreat with the older kids was a most precious event and a rare opportunity to participate in a full day’s ashram activities. They all arrived on Saturday night in time to help prepare for and attend SRV Oregon’s weekly worship.  Following dinner, and before bedtime, the girls returned to the shrine for a short meditation and blessing.  Annapurna then held out a jar with “Vedantic fortune cookies” [minus the cookie] consisting of ideas to ponder.  Each girl pulled out two and were told to think about them as they went to sleep.  We would discuss them the next day. Here are a few of those ideas:

From Easter Egg to Cosmic Egg

SRV Children at the Portland Ashram, April 2009

Easter Worship On this Easter Saturday, and following a simple worship in the shrine room in honor of Lord Jesus, our young children in Oregon got a new teaching to add to the Easter Egg theme.  Like above, the focus was on the Divine Mother who is the Mother of the Universe, by whose power everything is projected, sustained, and dissolved, just like waves in the ocean.  She alone, like the water of the ocean, is the real part of each of us, just as the water is the essential part of a wave.  The scriptures refer to this Source and Substance of the universe as the Golden Egg, Hiranyagarbha.  It has its corollary in Om, the primal vibration.  Additionally, the children were told the analogy Sri Ramakrishna used describing the old woman who saved various things, like seeds, and “sea foam” and other items in a hotch potch jar for later usage.  Like that, the Divine Mother saves things for the next creation (projection).  What might those be?  Well, there are lots of possibilities and you can see Babaji’s commentary in his book, Sri Ramakrishna’s Stories, page 39.

The 4, 10, and 2 Arms of Love and Protection

SRV San Francisco, March 2009

James' drawing We met around the big, old, wooden dining table at SRV San Francisco.  On it were spread pieces of blank newsprint on which our four little students drew pictures of what makes them feel peaceful.  There were pictures of trees, ponds, the sun shining, Easter bunnies and more.  Each child had the opportunity to explain their drawing. Afterwards, we met in the shrine room with flowers for a simple worship and meditation.

Spring 2009

From Babaji’s Classes on the Mainland, April-May From the unreal to the Real These darshanas [philosophical systems] of India form one composite mass of realization of the Seers of India.  Call it Sanatana Dharma (Eternal Truth).  It is not based on one savior or teacher, or a single scripture or book.  It’s wide open and catholic.  It is the Mother …

Retreat 2009: Shankara, Gaudapada, & Nondualism

From the Seattle Spring Retreat on Gaudapada’s Karika with Babaji

Though I have been studying Vedantic/Advaitic Wisdom for a while now, it was only a taste of the immersion and depth of what I experienced in the recent retreat in Seattle. It opened my eyes to these deep Truths that, though they had been lurking, waiting on the sidelines to introduce themselves to me, came out in all their magnificence, in their full expression, and presented the power of this deep tradition. Now it is not that I feel that I have the answer, rather this showed where to best apply myself to the work yet to be done. And yet, from the deeper perspective, I see that within, everything is already one with the Divine. Words cannot even begin to express the deep heartfelt gratitude I feel for the opportunity of having been able to participate in this. Mahalo and Namaste, James Grazzini

In the spirit of Nectar, Advaita-satya-amritam

Inspirations from Babaji’s editorials This is one of the aims of our SRV journal, to show that all practice along the spiritual path can and should be undertaken with the fore-knowledge of our essential oneness with God. – from issue #1 The material offered in nectar is designed to lift the mind up to spiritual heights where body, world, nature …

SRV Publishing Needs New Monitor

The large Sony 20″ monitor that Babaji and Loke Ma have used for 8 years to create Nectar and layout his/SRV’s books has finally broken down permanently. The new flat screen monitors are long, but too short to show a whole page at the size required, so he needs to have a rather long screen, about 26″ or longer. We …


We are looking for a volunteer to streamline and maintain the various lists we use. Skills Needed: Knowledge of database formats, querying records, creating reports for Excel, and merging data for labels.  We currently use Alpha 5 version 6 in combination with Word Perfect for labels and Excel for reports. Internet skills: manager may need to pull addresses from our …

A Retrospective: A day spent at the San Francisco Ashram

January 17th, a most auspicious day – Swami Vivekananda’s blessed Birthday

I arrived at the San Francisco Ashram in mid afternoon with the sun shining but still a chill in the air. Walking in the front door always reminds me of going home, a familiar smell and a warm welcoming feeling. Knowing that the shrine room is just below me sends a wave of love to and through my heart.

Today is my first class with the children and I am excited, shy and really looking forward to it. I feel that I too need the children’s class and want to soak up the teachings that I know will be presented in a simple way.

Upcoming Schedule Highlights

SRV Portland — 4204 SE 31st Ave.,  Call 503-774-2410:Babaji returns for 3 weekends of classes, satsangs, and worship.  View SRV Calendar Apr. 3, Fri., 6pm, Ram Navami Puja with Ram Bhajans Apr. 4, Sat., 9:30am, Class: Vivekachudamani Apr. 5, Sun., 9:30am, Class: Vivekachudamani Apr. 8, Wed., 7pm, Special Class: The Ideal of Hanuman with Anuraga Apr. 10, Fri., 7pm, First …