Excerpt from Lesson #61

STUDENT: “I have been contemplating the nature of sadhana as a means of dissolving past karma rather than a means of achieving self-realization.  In the book, The Avadhut, you mention that goal-oriented and process-oriented sadhana are less than ideal.  I had thought that sadhana is a means of quieting the mind in order to achieve a single focus, and ultimately …

Hawaii Winter Retreat 2012

Jnana & Dhyana The Power of Integrating Scripture and Meditation A meditation retreat with Babaji Bob Kindler at Wood Valley Temple, Big Island, Hawai’i January 6 – 9, 2012   “At the height of all levels of the Wisdom-Word, and infused with the Divine Mother’s own power of penetration and dissolution, the great sayings of Sanatana Dharma – the eternal …

Hawaii Summer Retreat

Return to Wood Valley Back in 1994, Babaji led the second-ever SRV Retreat (and first Hawaii Retreat) at the Wood Valley Tibetan Buddhist Center.  Located in the forest on the slopes of Mauna Loa, Wood Valley has a wonderful sacred atmosphere, complete with a Temple visited by His Holiness Dalai Lama.  The retreat building has its own temple/meditation room which …

Excerpt from Lesson #60

The Two Forms & Eight Main Types of Meditation Babaji’s commentary on Yoga Sutras 3.3 in the SRV Raja Yoga email class tad evarthamatranirbhasan svarupashunyam iva samadhih (tad, that; eva, the same; artha, place or object; matra, alone/single; nirbhasam, radiates; svarupa, essence; shunyam, empty; iva, as it were; samadhi, absorption). “When all places and objects become empty or equal, as …

Jai Ma Music

Kali Bol Ramakrishna CDKali Bol Ramakrishna!
Babaji Bob Kindler & Jai Ma Music
Expected Release Date: Summer, 2011

Dedicated to Sri Ramakrishna for the 175th anniversary of His birth, Babaji Bob Kindler’s latest offering of soul-enthralling devotional music will feature traditional Sanksrit stotrams, Bengali bhajans, and a new SRV classic in Hindi — the Ramakrishna Chalisa!  An excerpt will be posted on the SRV Facebook page sometime this summer.

Winter 2011

Student Notebook
From Babaji’s Mainland Classes

San Francisco Satsangs
[The following are salient points from Babaji’s evening discourses and answers to peoples’ questions.]:

Some luminaries teach only the upper crust of humanity, but Avatar befriends all, not just the wise.  Sri Ramakrishna has the greatest compassion for the suffering masses.

Here, in Bhurloka, the physical realm, we are working against the odds.  That is why people come here — to become masters of freedom.  “If you can do it here, you can do it anywhere”….”it” meaning gain your freedom, moksha/mukti.

If one only reminds the soul about its true nature from time to time, one may be surprised how fast it catches on.  But you also have to work at it from various angles.

Nectar #27

Nectar is a feast of universality in the spirit of all-inclusive Advaita – Nonduality. Our 2012 issue has arrived: Vedanta – The Awakening of Power by Swami Aseshananda Sufism – Pavilion of Light by Sheikh Nur Al-Jerrahi Jainism – The Crest Jewel of Jain Scripture by Swami Brahmeshananda Neo-Vedanta – Tiers of Causation by Babaji Bob Kindler Yoga – Overcoming …

Nectar News

  • Guerilla Distribution Time!!!  Order distribution copies of Nectar #26 (available now!) and we will ship them to you in May.  Take them to Yoga Centers, Spiritual Centers, and other places where they will be appreciated.  Contact us
  • Online Viewing:  Throughout 2011, we will be posting all our back issues for online viewing. Available on our website starting midsummer.

At A Glance: Babaji’s Teaching Schedule in May

Download schedule flyer SF=San Francisco / PD=Portland Morning MeditationSF — 6 to 7am daily.PD — please call for times.Arati Satsangs @ 7pmSF — May 6, 9, 10, 11 [F, M, Tu, W]PD — May 20 & 27th [Fridays]Classes @ 9:30am, SvetashvataropanisadSF — May 7 & 8 [Sa, Su] (May 8: Mother’s Day Teachings)PD — May 14, 15, 28, & 29 …