Lesson 59

Dear Friends, This is an awesome lesson……  Download Lesson 59 here “Spiritual knowledge is the only thing that can destroy our miseries forever; any other knowledge satisfies wants only for a time” — Sw. Vivekananda SRV Associations – Sarada Ramakrishna Vivekananda Setting the feet of humanity solidly on the path of universal Truth PO Box 1364 | Honoka’a HI 96727 …

Excerpt from Lesson #58

An excerpt from Babaji Bob Kindler’s Raja Yoga Email Class.  The topic is the fifth limb of Yoga, Pratyahara, which requires the withdrawal of the senses and mind from objects.  The final three limbs of Yoga (concentration, meditation, and Samadhi) are impossible without Pratyahara.  Thus, this is the pivotal limb of Yoga, attaining which, the practioner begins to qualify him …


A Quintessential Yoga Vasishtha Wisdom Stories of the Rishis Retoldedited and elucidated by Babaji Bob Kindler Of all the relationships possible on earth, that rare combination known as guru/shishya, spiritual teacher and sincere disciple, transcends them all. And scarcely has that most intimate of connections been so well-documented as in the sweet and sacred friendship between Lord Vasishtha and the …


SRV’s Current Offerings 1. Classes. Our classes, along with retreats and publishing, are at the core of SRV’s mission. 2. Retreats. SRV Retreats are an essential spiritual program for SRV students because they emphasize remembrance of our divine nature and help us develop the skills and virtues necessary for living a divine life of inner peace and freedom in every …

Antaranga: Swami Turiyananda

Swami TuriyanandaSwami Turiyananda met Sri Ramakrishna in his early teens and was instantly regarded by the master as a yogi and the embodiment of renunciation. He appears in The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna as Hariprasad, his pre-monastic name.

After passing his school examinations he decided not to go to college but to devote himself to meditation and the study of Advaita Vedanta. He frequently visited Sri Ramakrishna at Dakshineswar and began to concentrate more and more on spiritual practices. He spent many days and nights in Dakshineswar with Sri Ramakrishna, training in the art of intense meditation.  He was among the inner circle who served Sri Ramakrishna during his last days at Cossipore.  Six years at Dakshineswar had convinced Hari that Sri Ramakrishna was a divine incarnation. When the Master fell sick, he could not believe that disease had really overcome him. He was convinced that this was a play of the Lord.

Nectar #26 is here!

Nectar is truly coming of age. We have an unprecedented number of wonderful articles from a wide range of religious and philosophical perspectives!  Nectar #26 includes the following articles and more: Vedanta – Reason and Enlightenment, by Swami AseshanandaVedanta – Time, Space, and Causation, by Babaji Bob KindlerBaha’i – Dharma for the 21st Century, by Dr. A.K. MerchantJainism – Jain …

SRV Magazine: Nectar #26

Nectar #26

Coming this Spring

Scroll down and see the articles for this upcoming issue.
Nectar News:  

  • Once a year we do a free mailing of the new Nectar inside the U.S.  To make sure you are on the list to receive Nectar #26, order today.
  • For international mailing, we need at least $7 to mail your copy.
  • This year we will begin putting up all issues for pdf download on our website.  Keep checking in at www.srv.org

SRV Book Publishing: Reclaiming Kundalini Yoga

Reclaiming Kundalini Yoga

Reclaiming Kundalini Yoga
by Babaji Bob Kindler

ISBN 978-1-891893-11-7
124 pages / $12 USD / click to pre-order

Following the Kundalini Yoga Retreat last October, Babaji was inspired to write a concise and revealing book correcting errors in current thinking and bringing a fresh and authentic perspective to this esoteric subject.  All the charts used during the retreat will be included, along with a new translation of the Devi Gita from the Srimad Devi Bhagavatam, and an appendix detailing the role of food in Kundalini Yoga.  This book is due out in Spring 2011.  A listing of the table of contents and the charts is placed at the bottom of this interview with Babaji.