Nectar 2019 Issue #34

In Our Current Nectar Journal: Nectar of Nondual Truth #34 Featured Articles: Vedanta 101, by SRV Staff Universal Daoism & Advaita Vedanta, by Lam FuHo Chochmah, by Rabbi Rami Shapiro Threading The Needle, by Annapurna Sarada On The Haj, by Nur Al-Jerrahi / Lex Hixon The Blue Sky of Enlightened Mind, by Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche The Search for Everlasting Bliss, by Swami Brahmeshananda Nonseparation & Its Practice, by …

Preview of 2014 Nectar Issue

 Featured Articles in Our Coming Nectar Journal: Nectar of Nondual Truth #29  Click here to read some excerpts from this great issue                                     Regular Feature:Nectar of Advaitic Instruction Swami Brahmeshananda:Two Key Aspects of JainismAusterity & Service in the World’s most Nonviolent Religion Annapurna Sarada:Truth …

Nectar Issue 29

Nectar of Nondual Truth #29  Click here to read some excerpts from this great issue                                   Regular Feature:Nectar of Advaitic Instruction Swami Brahmeshananda:Two Key Aspects of JainismAusterity & Service in the World’s most Nonviolent Religion Annapurna Sarada:Truth & KarmaThe Effect of Pure Speech on the …

Preview of 2015 Nectar Issue

 Featured Articles in Our Coming Nectar Journal: Nectar of Nondual Truth #30 Make sure you order the upcoming issue of Nectar by February 20th!  Order this issue here                                    Regular Feature:Nectar of Advaitic Instruction Rabbi Rami Shapiro:Essentials of JudaismThe mainstays of a Jewish man and woman’s spiritual …

Read Nectar #23 here

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Nectar #27

Nectar is a feast of universality in the spirit of all-inclusive Advaita – Nonduality. Our 2012 issue has arrived: Vedanta – The Awakening of Power by Swami Aseshananda Sufism – Pavilion of Light by Sheikh Nur Al-Jerrahi Jainism – The Crest Jewel of Jain Scripture by Swami Brahmeshananda Neo-Vedanta – Tiers of Causation by Babaji Bob Kindler Yoga – Overcoming …

Nectar #26 is here!

Nectar is truly coming of age. We have an unprecedented number of wonderful articles from a wide range of religious and philosophical perspectives!  Nectar #26 includes the following articles and more: Vedanta – Reason and Enlightenment, by Swami AseshanandaVedanta – Time, Space, and Causation, by Babaji Bob KindlerBaha’i – Dharma for the 21st Century, by Dr. A.K. MerchantJainism – Jain …

Nectar of Nondual Truth: A FEAST!

#25 Spring 2010 Nectar #25 is a feast of universality in the spirit of all-inclusive Advaita – Nonduality.  Here’s a look inside: Dharma Doorway of Nonduality, by Robert ThurmanEmptiness & Compassionate Action, by Dzogchen Ponlop RinpocheGod Who Cares, by Swami AseshanandaInvitation to the Path of Love, by Sheikh Muzaffer EffendiComprehending Nonorigination, by Babaji Bob KindlerRationality & God – What’s the …

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There are three key ways in which to distribute Nectar: Word of mouth — tell your friends, relatives, and acquaintances.  Hand them an order card from inside your copy of Nectar. Distribution points — Do you know a bookstore, cafe, spiritual center, yoga studio, meditation or study circle where Nectar would be appreciated?  Let us know.  We will send you …