Kindle Books

We offer the following titles as Kindle Books: (Click on the book’s Cover or Title to purchase the Kindle Edition.) Twenty-Four Aspects of Mother Kali Who could forget their own mother, what to speak of the Mother of all souls? Kali, the Divine Mother of the Universe, emerges from these pages to engulf one with infinite love in this extraordinary …

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An Extensive Anthology of Sri Ramakrishna’s Stories Table of Contents Introduction            xxiii Part 1—Eternal Principles I            Brahman            3II           Shakti            37III          Ishvara            53 IV           Maya            75V            Guru            95  VI           Truth            127VII          Grace            131VIII         Samadhi            139IX           Unity            175X            Divine Love            183XI            Universality            199XII           Form and Formlessness            213XIII         Predestination and Auspicious Timing            227XIV         Karma and Reincarnation            239XV           God and the World            …