A New Portland Ashram

Dear SRV Sangha and Friends, After eight wonderful years at the Portland Ashram on SE 31st Ave, we have been informed by our good landlord that he needs to sell it. Babaji and the SRV Board think that this is auspicious timing and we are ready to have a larger place with more rooms and more community. RequirementsWe are looking …

SRV’s 2012 Retreats with Babaji

Mark your calendars! Save the dates! Register now. 808-990-3354 ||  srvinfo@srv.org Visit our website for details and registration forms (as available): 2012 Retreats SRV Winter Weekend SeminarDissolving the MindstreamFebruary, 10 – 12, 2012, Portland, Oregon Meditation is best utilized as a practice of dissolving the mind consciously.  This will reveal mankind’s formless Essence, Atman.  All forms are manifestations of one’s …

Wisdom in Practice

Offering Service to an Aging Parent “May God grant me the SERENITY to accept the things I cannot change, COURAGE to change the things I can, and WISDOM to know the difference.”   Although this famous prayer has always been an inspiration to me, I rely on it now more than ever as I helplessly watch my beloved 95-year-old mom fade …

Antaranga: M

Mahendra Nath Gupta  Spiritual aspirants throughout time immemorial have gathered together seeking the holy company and counsel of saints and sages. Contact with such illumined beings is indeed a rare and precious opportunity. Encounters with these great beings — the words they spoke and the great deeds they performed — are rarely recorded in any great detail, and if they …

Guru & Disciple

The following series of questions and answers* between Babaji and a dedicated student epitomizes two regular Mundamala features: “Wisdom in Practice” and “Guru Anushashana.”  Wisdom in Practice presents how a student applies the teachings given by the guru, and Guru Anushashana focuses on how the teacher illumines the teachings.  Together, they represent the time honored tradition of the Guru Disciple …

Weekend Seminar 2012

Dissolving the Mindstream SRV Winter Weekend SeminarFebruary, 10 – 12, 2012Portland, Oregon Meditation is best utilized as a practice of dissolving the mind consciously.  This will reveal mankind’s formless Essence, Atman.  All forms are manifestations of one’s own Intelligence.  However, because the mind is constantly taking forms, the practitioner must make it responsible for dissolving them.  To accomplish this, we …

Newsletter Archive

RECENT EDITIONS     OLDER EDITIONS Vol.10, No.3 • December 2016 Vol.10, No.2 • July 2016 Vol.10, No.1 • January 2016 Vol.9, No.5 • October 2015 Vol.9, No.4 • July 2015 Vol.9, No.3 • April 2015 Vol.9, No.2 • February 2015 Vol.9, No.1 • January 2015 Vol.8, No.3 • September 2014 Vol.8, No.2 • May 2014 Vol.8, No.1 • February …

Spiritual Director’s Message

Dear Devotees, Students, and Friends:    Having just returned from a first-time pilgrimage to Nepal, and within a week turning around and coming stateside for classes and Durga Puja, I am called upon to send a message in the forthcoming Munda Mala for the purposes of inspiration and encouragement.    As I have seen again on this recent sojourn, the world is …

Reclaiming Kundalini Yoga

Reclaiming Kundalini Yogaby Babaji Bob KindlerISBN 978-1-891893-11-7124 pages / $12 USD Kundalini Shakti is the dynamic spiritual energy conceived of as the Divine Mother of the Universe Who rises up (inwards) through the seven chakras, often termed “Lotuses.”  Mother Kundalini is coiled up at the “base of the spine,” and ignobly limited to the lower three centers of eating, drinking, …

What’s New?

Babaji’s teachings online: Discourses and Articles at Advaita Academy (search under articles, then author>Babaji Bob Kindler) YouTube Godblogs goes Public – Our young students and Babaji decided we should make Babaji’s blog and responses/questions open to everyone.    http://godblogs.srv.org/