June Seminar

June Seminar, June 29 & 30

The Names of The Lord & The Wisdom of the Mother

Mantra Yoga’s Intimate Relationship with Jnana Yoga’s Wisdom Transmission

Among spiritual ideals, the best is an exemplar.  Amidst practices, the best is that of mantra.
When the mantra is received from an exemplary guru, both karmas and future lifetimes swiftly become a thing of the past.  Further, as mantra practice matures over time, it inevitably befriends that best of destroyers of ignorance called Jnanam.  Thus, the secret of an exemplary guru is that he/she delivers the mantra to the ready aspirant in a timely fashion, and it is loaded with wisdom that is set to infuse the human mind like a slow release medicine in the bloodstream. Similar to Vedanta and the classic 8-Limbed Yoga in philosophical systems, then, Mantra Yoga and Jnana Yoga are one of the best of spiritual hybrids in the realm of spiritual practice.  The unique way in which they both grow and work together will be inspected and explored in this seminar.



Online Seminar Payments
Pricing is per person attending:
US Choice 1: $105, tuition only
US Choice 2: $225 includes
Footfalls of the Indian Rishis,
shipped in US.  See video!
Western Europe: $75
Eastern Europe: $30
India: $30
*Class recordings are made available to all participants,
so if your timezone makes it impossible to attend a class or two, you will still get to see it.

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