Nectar of Non-Dual Truth No. 31

Table of Contents for #31   10 Essence of Advaita Vedanta, Part 3 by Alexander HixonThe final installment of Lex Hixon’s three talks on Advaita Vedanta finds him selecting and commenting on a few of the choicest and most engaging slokas of Gaudapada’s famous Karika on Nonduality, replete with examples of realized souls who exemplify it and words about those who …

Nectar of Non-Dual Truth No. 30

Table of Contents for #30   10 Essence of Advaita Vedanta, Part 2 by Alexander HixonIn this second installment of three, more of the deep nondual elements of Gaudapada’s commentary on the Mandukyopanisad are revealed for contemplation. 16 Ladder of Spiritual Ascent in Jainismby Swami BrahmeshanandaThis is the ninth in an ongoing series of articles on the Jain religion, gleaned from the …

Nectar of Non-Dual Truth No. 29

Table of Contents for #29   10 Two Key Aspects of Jainism by Swami BrahmeshanandaHow can seemingly contradictory aspects such as austerity and selfless service go together? The answer is that they must, in order that said service be pure of any and all ulterior motive. 16 Truth and Karmaby Annapurna SaradaWhat to speak of crucial matters like spiritual growth, even the …

Nectar of Non-Dual Truth No. 28

Table of Contents #28   10 Survival of the Fittestby Swami SunirmalanandaPlacing a unique twist on this oft-repeated phrase, this convincing article reveals the real meaning of words such as “strength” and “fitness,” aligning them with words like “compassion” and “love.” The principle of true Existence is thus rendered clear and desirable. 12 Vivekananda & His Women Disciplesby Professor Sharad ChandraIn the impressive …

Nectar of Non-Dual Truth No. 27

Table of Contents for #27   10 Ramakrishna Movement in Nepal by Dr. Jagadish GhoshThe superlative presence and work of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa lives on and spreads under the auspices of Swami Vivekananda’s great mission, which presently is positively influencing India’s close neighbor. 14 Tiers of Causationby Babaji Bob KindlerIn a follow up article from our last issue of Nectar on the …

Nectar of Non-Dual Truth No. 26

Table of Contents for #26   10 A Letter to a Long-time Friend by Lex HixonVia his personal talks and many letters to aspiring beings, the founder of SRV opened doors for spiritual growth, created bridges between religious traditions, and encouraged and confirmed the inner practices of many striving Western seekers after Truth. 12 Space, Time, and Causationby Babaji Bob KindlerFrom Atomic …

Nectar of Non-Dual Truth No. 25

Table of Contents for #25   10 Ramana Maharishi and Buddhist Nondualism by Lex HixonAn enlightened and mutually beneficial comparison between four religious paths of Indian nondualism — Madyamika, Yogachara, Advaita Vedanta, and Vajrayana Buddhism — in the light of the example of a great contemporary Rishi, Ramana Maharshi. 14 The Tao – The Way of Lifeby Beverly DaggettThe Tao, or Way …

Nectar of Non-Dual Truth No. 24

Table of Contents for #24   10 The Careful Harmonization of Religious Traditions by Lex HixonBeyond mere tolerance is the way to both study and benefit from all religious pathways — to successfully integrate the knowledge of sacred traditions into individual spiritual life. 14 Alles Iz Gott (All is God)by Rabbi Rami ShapiroThe nonduality which underlies all religious traditions, either subtly or …

Nectar of Non-Dual Truth No. 23

Table of Contents for #23   4 Nectar of Advaitic Instruction Queries of an intense and compelling nature come our way again on such important and diverse subjects and issues as meditation, egoism, bondage, holy company,truth, depression, and Absolute Reality. 10 The Illusion of Changeby Babaji Bob Kindler Does anything really ever happen, or is it that it merely only …

Nectar of Non-Dual Truth No. 22

Table of Contents for #22   4 Nectar of Advaitic InstructionThis extended offering of A.I. explores burning questions regarding issues such as relative free will, form and formlessness, the personal God, Vedanta and Buddhism, and more. 10 Good in the Beginning, Middle, and Endby D.S. Lokanath A practitioner of three sacred and honored paths describes the inner dynamics of approaching …