SRV Hawaii Retreat 2017

    April 21st to 24th — Big Island of Hawaii The forthcoming Hawaii retreat at the beginning of the new year of 2017 will take up the superlative subject, “The Precipitous Ascent into Higher Awareness.”  Drawing from the standpoint of several Indian darshanas, Babaji’s teachings will be directed towards certain inwardly ascending stages that the sincere aspirant may encounter over the …

India Festival in Portland, Oregon

India Festival in Portland, Oregon Sunday, August 14 from 11am – 9pm An enthusiastic group of volunteers representing most of the Portland sangha have been planning for this over several months.  We held a first “dress rehearsal” recently, and captured a few photos of our design team working on the layout.   Please come to our booth and bring your friends!  …

Prana – A Missing Link for Inner Life

Prana – A Missing Link for Inner Life Notes from Babaji’s classes We have all heard of pranayam, breathing exercises used in Yoga, whether in the popular hatha yoga or the complete and authentic Patanjala Yoga System. Breathing exercises calm the body, which calms the mind.  For ordinary practitioners, this is as far as it goes – a little stress …

Spring Retreat Notes & Reflection

Spring Retreat Notes & Reflection Introduction The subject of our last Spring Retreat, The Vedanta & Neo Vedanta of Shankara and Vivekananda, was effective in opening one’s mind to the correlations and contrasts between these two great souls – emanations of Siva – as well as to the ways in which they complement each other. Those of us actively engaged …

Five Concise Books on Essential Indian Philosophy

Five Concise Books on Essential Indian Philosophy Cosmic Quintuplications, the final book in Babaji’s series of five short but concentrated books on essential Indian Philosophy, has been released.  These books, listed below, present fundamental concepts and perspectives needed to understand and approach Vedanta’s Advaita, Tantra’s culmination in nonduality, Yoga’s lower and higher Samadhis, and Kundalini Yoga’s Shakti. As the West …

The Benefits of Extensive Time in Holy Company

The Benefits of Extensive Time in Holy Company My trips coincided with the SRV dharma visits to the West Coast for retreats over Memorial Day and at the American River and also included attendance of regular classes and seminars.  The respective trips lasted 17 days and a full month of living in the teachings virtually 24 hours a day, seven …

The River of Mother’s Grace is always flowing

The River of Mother’s Grace is always flowing Dear devotees, disciples, students, and friends of SRV Associations: As readers of SRV’s Mundamala newsletter, you have received many messages from me over the past twenty years.  These also come to you in Nectar of Nondual Truth, and orally at classes and retreats, and over Youtube as well.  Basically, my “message” has …

Summer Seminar

The Guru-Shishya Relationship According to Lord Vasishtha “They attain to the Supreme Self who study the atmajnan scriptures with an able preceptor from their early youth.” Location: SRV Oregon Ashram in Portland Friday, August 5: 7:00 PM – Satsang Saturday, August 6: 6:00am – 5:00pm (breakfast/dinner) Sunday, August 7: 6:00am – 5:00pm (breakfast only) Tuition: $220; student, $110 Accommodations: This …

Memorial Day Weekend Retreat

Vedanta & Neo-Vedanta of Shankara and Vivekananda May 26 – 30th, 2016 Wind River region, Washington The face of Vedanta in 700 A.D. when Shankara resurrected and reestablished it in India after the decline of Buddhism has changed with the arrival of Swami Vivekananda on the contemporary scene. The great swami has now made its intrinsically universal message broadcast in …

And Mother Claps

And Mother Claps Mundamala, the title of our newsletter, is named for the garland of heads the Divine Mother wears around Her august neck.  Far from a gruesome image, each face smiles with bliss having surrendered  heart, mind, and soul to the Mother of the Universe who removes their obstacles, doubts, and grants them spiritual emancipation.  Over the auspicious time …