Help us transmit the teachings via the internet!

After  Swami Vivekananda spoke at the Parliament of Religions back in 1893 almost instantly the news of his radical teachings spread throughout the religious and intellectual circles around the U.S…..yes, even before social networking went online. How many of you who are reading this have social networking sites? Then you have the means to help awaken the sleeping and uplift …

The Next “best ever” Nectar

Nectar issue #26

A Look Ahead: Nectar #26

75% of Nectar Funding has been reached!
Thanks to the warm response from our last mailing, and a substantial donation from a generous sangha member, we are only 25% away from our goal of $5000 for Nectar #26. We need $1231 more.  Can you help make that happen?

  • Be a supporter of Nectar of Nondual Truth [$7 and up]
  • Help SRV’s Free Nectar Distribution Program [$50 and up]
  • Help widen Nectar’s Distribution [$200 and up]
  • Make sure there are future issues of Nectar [$500 and up]


Nectar is truly coming of age. We are receiving an unprecedented number of wonderful articles from a wide range of religious and philosophical perspectives!  Nectar #26 will include the following articles and more: 

A Look Ahead: Nectar #26

Nectar:  Religion with a capital “R”Nectar of Non-Dual Truth is SRV Associations’ gift to aspiring humanity, to all who are weary of the conventional view that religion means dogma, conflict, self-righteousness, fanaticism, one-sidedness, or superstition.  To quote Swami Vivekananda, “Religion is the manifestation of the Divinity already in mankind.”  Further, “The proof of one religion depends on the proof of …

Sangha News

And Mother Claps Her Hands… Sanatanand James Grazzini of the Big Island of Hawaii was recently initiated while traveling in India. Jami was one of the pilgrims on the recent tour of India with Babaji. He had made the decision to be initiated but it came about in a most auspicious circumstance. He and Babaji were in the Master’s room …

Merging Mind & Heart

We are gathered around in the upstairs classroom in the SRV San Francisco Ashram with three children. Today is February 14th and we are blessed with Babaji’s presence on this visit.  Let me share with you the exciting breakthroughs and highlights of the divine lesson of today’s Children’s Spiritual class.

Asana/Meditation Pose – Meditation with Guruji

We have taken into practice a meditation asana at the beginning of each class. Through this practice the children begin to become more familiar with the pose and become more comfortable within the pose.  Three eager faces are looking toward me as I begin to explain and demonstrate: “Please sit with legs crossed one over each other, back straight, eyes gently closed, tail bone curled in, neck pushed slightly back, chin slanted towards chest, tongue resting on the roof of the mouth, hands resting in lap one over the other with palms facing upward as if cupping a pool of water.” Sebastian wants his hands resting on his knees with thumb touching and meeting middle finger.

In the Arms of Mother India

New Year’s Eve in Rishikeshfrom a pilgrim’s diaryRishikesh, December 31, 2009 First morning in Rishikesh! We awoke to cymbals and conchs from the temple below….you can sense the monkeys waiting in the shadows.  Our hotel overlooks the sacred Ganga river, rushing with the sound of Om, rocks and rapids faintly glowing in the predawn darkness.  We walk uphill to Babaji …

On Pilgrimage with SRV Youth

The highlight of last winter’s pilgrimage to India for me, without a doubt, was being in the company of three of our SRV teens, Marleigh, Logan, and Adam.  What wonderful conversations and classes we had on Vivekananda, the yamas and niyamas of Yoga, the nature of the Self, embodiment and the world. How fascinating to see India through their sense of adventure and openness. 

Sangha and Friends Share Nectar of Non-Dual Truth

Issue 25Nectar #25 has arrived!  Already sangha and friends are distributing it as part of SRV’s mission of “Setting the feet of aspiring humanity on the path of universal Truth”  

Grassroots distribution
Just like last year, we are counting on our readers and supporters to distribute the Nectar of Nondual Truth to one and all via Nectar’s universal religious and philosophical teachings.

Send us an email or call us at 808-990-3354/503-774-2410 to receive a bundle of Nectars.  No request is too small.  Take part in this effort!

Where should I take them?

Babaji’s new book is here!

A Quintessential Yoga VasishthaWisdom Stories of the Rishis RetoldEdited and elucidated by Babaji Bob Kindler254 pages, hardbound, illustrated, $30.00   Yoga Vasishtha, an ancient and beloved scripture, details a lesser known period of Sri Ram’s youth not discussed in the traditional Ramayana.  We meet a young Ramachandra struggling to awaken from the veil of maya, to pierce through the shrouded …

Hawaii Winter Retreat 2010

pathSankhya Yoga of Lord Kapila
December 17-20
Kipukamaluhia Dharma Sanctuary

The Hawaii retreat, set for December on the Big Island, will give all SRV devotees and students a rare opportunity to center in on that earliest and most important element of India’s multifaceted philosophical perspective.  Our study of Sankhya and its scriptures, though many of them were lost over time, will afford us to connect with its integrality in the darshanas of Yoga, Vedanta and Buddhism.  The Tattva Samasa Sutras will be the main focus, and the profound teachings found therein – such as The Ten Tenets of Sankhya, The Nine Complacencies, and the Eight Great Accomplishments.  Teachings on the twin principles of Purusha and Prakriti will also be transmitted, in conjunction to both their relationship and their distinctions.