SRV’s Spring Retreat in Seattle

SRV Spring Retreat in SeattleYantra, Tantra, & MantraMarch 10th – March 13th In accord with SRV’s two Divine Mother retreats, and as an addendum to all Tantric studies so far, teachings on Yantra, Tantra, and Mantra will be offered over this three day retreat in Seattle.  The subject of Mantra is well known to SRV students and devotees, but a …

SRV’s Spring Advaita Retreat

Seattle, WashingtonMemorial Weekend: Thursday, May 27 – Monday, May 31, 2010Taught by Babaji Bob Kindler, SRV Associations’ Spiritual Director Continuing in the spirit of last year’s retreat on Gaudapada’s famous commentary on the Mandukyopanisad, SRV’s Spring retreat will focus on the latter part of Gaudapada’s karika, especially the final section termed the “Phenomena of the Firebrand” prakarana.  In the remaining …

SRV’s Winter Seminar Weekend

Integrating the Four Classic Yogas in Daily Life

four paths(a non-residential retreat)
Portland, Oregon
March 6 & 7, 2010

A complete and in-depth explanation of the Four Yogas will be the main topic of SRV’s in-house seminar this coming winter.  Exploring the four yogas independently to begin, the art of integration, as accomplished by some of the world’s most adept yogis, will be explored, with an emphasis on applying these teachings to contemporary times, and especially our everyday lives.


Churning the Milk of the Mind


It is a bright, sunny, fun-filled day of spiritual learning at the SRV San Francisco Ashram. In attendance today are children of varied ages.  Today is September 27th, and once again Annapurna Sarada has given her time and dedication in conducting this class. We are so fortunate to have her offer  these essential teachings to the children during her trips from Oregon and sometimes Hawaii. This shows her true dedication to the Holy Mother.

Summer 2009

Notes from Babaji’s Classes (thematically arranged)
Hawaii, Oregon, and prison classes from June to August, 2009

There are 2 laws of Nondualism:
1- Ajativada (non-origination): There is no birth and no death.  Creation (out of nothing) is not possible; something is always present, though most often unseen, unnoticed, due to the human mind’s preoccupation with objects and senses.   There is no origin to anything; everything always exists.  It all exists in the Word, which is the remote cause of everything.  So it is only a matter of manifestation or nonmanifestation in cycles – the cycles themselves being unoriginated (without beginning or end).  Thus, the greatest of mantras, “Sarvosmi – Everything Is.”
2 – Aparinama (non-transformation): Reality is changeless.  So why all this constant flux and change?  It is apparent only, not actual.  Penetrate these appearances to that stable foundation of everything, which is Consciousness.  Birth, growth, disease, death — these  all seem to be but never are, as in a reflection, dream, play, projection, etc…..

Babaji’s New Book with Charts!

Update and Pre-publication Sale

A Quintessential Yoga Vasishtha
By Babaji Bob Kindler
254 pages, hard cover, illustrated
$30  Pre-publication sale: $24 (20% discount)

Babaji’s long-awaited book, the first to include his charts (over 20!) will be available this Winter or early Spring, 2010.  This is also SRV’s first book to be printed and distributed in India. Help us get the word out!  Early sales help us with promotional expenses.  Click here to purchase your copy.

Kindling Higher Wisdom

Dear students, disciples, and friends:

It is a very interesting and beneficial time at present, as we approach our annual Navaratri celebrations in September and October.  The second full sized issue of Nectar of Nondual Truth is presently being finalized.  The newest book from SRV Associations, A Quintessential Yoga Vasishtha, is also about concluded, and even has a new cover which renders it ready for publication.  Both of these works will be sent to India within a month, and a dozen or so traveling pilgrims from SRV will pick them up in India in December when they arrive for sacred pilgrimage there.  In the interim, Durga Puja, Kali Puja, and Jagaddhatri Pujas will be celebrated in Portland and San Francisco at our ashramas, begging that sweet participation and devout worship which will bring subtle benefits to the attending devotee throughout the coming year, and to humanity in general.  For all of this and more, we say “Jai!” three times, and “Shanti” three times as well.

Wisdom in Practice

Reflections on Swami Vivekananda’s “God in Everything,” from Jnana Yoga.
by Paravasta

Starting from his 4th paragraph, Swamiji states:

“Most of the religions understand this fact [the need to combine reason and feeling], but the error into which they all seem to fall is the same: they are carried away by the heart, the feelings.  There is evil in the world; give up the world – that is the great teaching, and the only teaching, no doubt.  Give up the world.  There cannot be two opinions: to understand the truth every one of us has to give up error.  There cannot be two opinions: every one of us, in order to be good, must give up evil.  There cannot be two opinions: everyone of us, to have life, must give up what is death.  And yet, what remains to us if this theory involves giving up the life of the senses, life as we know it?  And what else do we mean by life?  If we give this up, what remains?

Magic Meditation Cylinders

SF Children learn the difference between the changing and the unchanging

signs of separating againappears mixedappears separate

Water and oil do not mix,
but they seem to when shaken together.

Like this, the Atman appears one with Maya
when seen through the restless mind.

By meditation, the wise control the mind
and behold the ever-pure & blissful Atman,
distinct from everything else – matter, energy & thought.

Summer 2009: SRV San Francisco

arati2Babaji’s recent summer visit to SRV San Francisco was during the usually foggy month of July, and our first morning class began at 9:30 a.m. on July 4th.  You could hear the neighbors getting ready for their afternoon barbecues, and knew much of the city was looking forward to the celebration of a night sky illumined with a boom of sparkling colorful lights.  Yet on this morning, SRV students listened to Vivekananda’s teachings:  Higher Knowledge, States of Consciousness, and the Attributes of Turiya.  An evening puja illuminating Ishvara by candlelight, and a garland offering to Swami Vivekananda was our reminder of courage and independence from our own small self.