Nectar of Non-Dual Truth No. 13

Table of Contents for #13   6 The Nectar of Advaitic InstructionCompelling and intriguing questions from our readers. 12 The Three Transformations of Consciousness in Yogaby Babaji Bob Kindler The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, elucidated by the great commentator, Vedavyasa, point out three distinct but interconnected phases of the mind’s consciousness on its way to awakening again to its highest …

Nectar of Non-Dual Truth No. 12

Table of Contents for #12   6 The Nectar of Advaitic InstructionCompelling and intriguing questions from our Readers. 10 Quan Yin and the Great Compassion In Her august manifestation as Quan Yin, the Wisdom Mother of the Buddhas, the primordial Goddess saves souls and prevents them from falling into endless cycles of suffering via death and rebirth in ignorance. 12 …

Nectar of Non-Dual Truth No. 11

Table of Contents for #11   6 The Nectar of Advaitic InstructionCompelling and intriguing questions from our Readers. 10 The Motherhood of Godby O. P. Sharma Sri Sarada Devi, the Holy Mother, is both a living spiritual entity and the inspiration for a burgeoning organization based on selfless service. For an ever-growing multitude of devotees, She also epitomizes the true …

Nectar of Non-Dual Truth No. 10

Table of Contents for #10   6 The Nectar of Advaitic InstructionCompelling and intriguing questions from our Readers 10 The Spontaneous Virgin Birth of Spiritualityby Sheikh Nur al-Jerrahi The intimate relationship between teacher and disciple is precious in any setting, but is valued above all else in most religious traditions. What blooms forth from it is nothing less than the …

Nectar of Non-Dual Truth No. 9

Table of Contents for #9   6 The Nectar of Advaitic InstructionCompelling and intriguing questions from our Readers 10 The Treasure and the Pearlby Father Abbot Joseph Homick Teaching by parables and stories has been an especially beneficial tool utilized by many of the prophets, messengers, and Avatars of various world religions for the spiritual awakening of the masses. In …

Nectar of Non-Dual Truth No. 8

Table of Contents for #8   7 The Nectar of Advaitic InstructionQuestions from our Readers 13 Great is Peaceby Rabbi Rami Shapiro A nondualist Rabbi speaks out personally and traditionally on the multi-faceted, many-tiered subject of peace, using the 2500 year old Talmud, a compendium of rabbinic insight and teaching. 15 Peace the Vedantic Wayby Swami Brahmeshananda Though the Vedic …

Nectar of Non-Dual Truth No. 7

Table of Contents for #7   7 The Nectar of Advaitic Instruction –Questions from our ReadersSolutions for questions and problems in relativity are answered from the nondual perspective in this second installment of advaitic instruction. 12 The Metaphysics of Forgivenessby Kenneth Wapnick Knowing that the Course in Miracles is strongly influenced by Vedanta, we contacted Kenneth Wapnick via a mutual …

Nectar of Non-Dual Truth No. 6

Table of Contents for #6   7 The Nectar of Advaitic Instruction –Questions from our ReadersAs the Nectar journal enters its second year of issues, we look back over the first year and find letters and questions from our readers. 12 Return to Christian Advaitaby Father Bruno Barnhart Father Barnhart writes, “Nonduality is at the heart of the Christian revelation, …

Nectar of Non-Dual Truth No. 5

Table of Contents for #5   4 Wisdom Facets from the Gem of TruthTeachings from Sri Ramakrishna, Sri Sarada Devi, Swami Vivekananda and the devotees. 7 Srishti Rahasya – The Secret of Creationby Babaji Bob Kindler The secret to all of Creation is revealed in philosophy, particularly the revelation of Srishti Rahasya as stated in Tantra and Samkhya science. The …

Nectar of Non-Dual Truth No. 4

Table of Contents for #4   4 Wisdom Facets from the Gem of TruthTeachings from Sri Ramakrishna, Sri Sarada Devi, Swami Vivekananda and the devotees. 6 Illumined Guru and Qualified Discipleby Swami Ranganathananda Excerpted at President Maharaj’s suggestion from his book, Message of the Upanishads, the eternal principle of guru-disciple relationship is explored in depth, utilizing the sagacious wisdom contained …