Thakur’s Antaranga

shivanandaIn the person of Swami Shivananda, one of Sri Ramakrishna’s direct disciples as well as the second President of the Ramakrishna Order, we see a towering figure of spiritual illumination and tireless service to humanity.

Born into an influential Brahmana family in Bengal, he was blessed with parents who had material means as well as a great yearning for God realization. After losing her first son, the Swami’s mother devoted herself to austerities and devotion at the Shiva Temple near Tarakswar. Soon afterward the Swami was born and named Tarak, after the temple at which she had worshipped.

As a young man, Tarak had a yearning to explore and understand the nature of samadhi, and questioned many people, but no one had sufficient knowledge of this state of spiritual absorption in which union with God is achieved. Through a friend, he learned that Sri Ramakrishna had experienced this rare state, and Tarak’s spiritual longing led him to the feet of the Master whom he immediately saw as one who had achieved God realization. He quickly felt a deep attachment to Sri Ramakrishna and felt that he had already known him a long time.

Tarak, filled with the faith and certitude of a child, surrendered himself to the Master and went to see him often, either in Dakshineswar or Calcutta.

Wisdom in Practice

Choice Garments by PrashantaprakashaWhen asked if I could write something for the newsletter’s ‘Wisdom in Practice’ section I thought, “ok, sure.” An attitude of optimism; such has been my response to opportunities that have come during the past few months. I’m not absolutely sure, but I think the reason for my openness is because they have all been opportunities to …

Book Review

“Days in an Indian Monastery” by Sister Devamata Although the title, “Days in an Indian Monastery,” nicely conveys the spiritual dignity of the book, it does not do justice to the expanse of treasures tucked within.   As an American Ramakrishna nun, Sister Devamata had the gift of spending two years (1909 -11) in the company of Sri Ramakrishna’s direct disciples, …

Seeking Volunteers

Karma Yoga and Creativity SRV Associations is announcing part-time staff positions in a variety of important, creative, and inspiring activities. Some require just a few hours a month, some ask for a few hours a week. Some positions can be done from wherever you live and do not require living close to an SRV center. Please open up the links …

SRV Publishing Needs New Monitor

The large Sony 20″ monitor that Babaji and Loke Ma have used for 8 years to create Nectar and layout his/SRV’s books has finally broken down permanently. The new flat screen monitors are long, but too short to show a whole page at the size required, so he needs to have a rather long screen, about 26″ or longer. We …


We are looking for a volunteer to streamline and maintain the various lists we use. Skills Needed: Knowledge of database formats, querying records, creating reports for Excel, and merging data for labels.  We currently use Alpha 5 version 6 in combination with Word Perfect for labels and Excel for reports. Internet skills: manager may need to pull addresses from our …

A Retrospective: A day spent at the San Francisco Ashram

January 17th, a most auspicious day – Swami Vivekananda’s blessed Birthday

I arrived at the San Francisco Ashram in mid afternoon with the sun shining but still a chill in the air. Walking in the front door always reminds me of going home, a familiar smell and a warm welcoming feeling. Knowing that the shrine room is just below me sends a wave of love to and through my heart.

Today is my first class with the children and I am excited, shy and really looking forward to it. I feel that I too need the children’s class and want to soak up the teachings that I know will be presented in a simple way.

Upcoming Schedule Highlights

SRV Portland — 4204 SE 31st Ave.,  Call 503-774-2410:Babaji returns for 3 weekends of classes, satsangs, and worship.  View SRV Calendar Apr. 3, Fri., 6pm, Ram Navami Puja with Ram Bhajans Apr. 4, Sat., 9:30am, Class: Vivekachudamani Apr. 5, Sun., 9:30am, Class: Vivekachudamani Apr. 8, Wed., 7pm, Special Class: The Ideal of Hanuman with Anuraga Apr. 10, Fri., 7pm, First …

Inside Nectar of Non-Dual Truth, issue #24

New Release date:  Mid SpringWe appreciate your patience and support, and are certain that you will find this next issue worth the wait.  We are extremely pleased with the content!  Scroll down for a sneak preview: Our distribution network is powered by our Readers Send us the names and addresses of centers, churches, schools, cafes – anywhere Nectar would be …

News from SRV Hawaii

mapThe Hawaii sangha is a strong core group of 5 intrepid students who will travel 3 hours for a Sunday class!  Since the closing of the Honoka’a ashram in 2007, our Hawaii classes with Babaji have taken to the road, meeting regularly at the homes of our sangha.