Wisdom in Practice

We feature a piece from Joy Stockwell who describes how a particular teaching transformed her mind and in turn affects activities in the world. I’ve been pretty occupied with my work lately.  I seem to only have time for work and spiritual life.  I’m happy to report the work life resides a bit more in the spiritual life now.  I …

SRV’s Prison Fundraiser in Portland

True Freedom, Inside & Out, is a unique event addressing the role of spirituality, via multi religious streams, in the transformation and reintegration of those who are, or who have been in prison. October 24, 4 – 7:30pm Bella Gioia, Exquisite Regional Italian Cuisine in the Pearl District – see map | see menu True Freedom – Inside & Out …

Guru Anushasana

The scriptures assert that a seeker of Truth should rely wholeheartedly on the combined authority of the Three Great Sources: vidya shastras, guru anushasana, and aparoksha anubhuti.  In English, these are the nondual scriptures, the irrefutable testament of the guru, and one’s own direct experience.  By taking recourse to these three one is led infallibly to the goal of human …

Message from the Spiritual Director

Dear SRV students and interested readers: My Spiritual Director’s message for this issue of the Mundamala is brief and in step with the present times – that is, all that is taking place in SRV at this time in our lives.  What I see of late is the Divine Mother/Holy Mother working through us in a way that is defining …

Nectar News

Babaji, staff, and great writers from many perspectives are preparing for our next “best ever” issue of Nectar of Non-Dual Truth, #26, for 2011.  Thanks to readers and sangha members, our last issue (#25) is being circulated all over the San Francisco Bay Area, Portland, and Seattle.  There are still copies left to distribute. Contact us and we will send …

Retreats: Time to Deepen Our Practice

“Our daily life is missing something.  It is missing experience of the Self.  …Ordinary people only experience something like this in deep sleep, but that is incomplete because it is covered by nescience, the lack of conscious awareness.” — Babaji during a recent class.Is it not true? Most of us find that without the chance to retreat from our daily …

Facebook SRV!

If you have not already joined the SRV Facebook group, please sign up for an invitation today.  There are inspiring daily quotes and a discussion has been posted between a student and Babaji concerning Advaita Vedanta.  Join the discussion. Start a new discussion on a spiritual topic.Share a comment with others: What has SRV, Vedanta, Sri Ramakrishna, Holy Mother, Swami …

Superlative Self-Effort

Dear and precious SRV Sangha,
In past issues of this noble newsletter I have concentrated – as I am apt to do in an age such as this – upon sadhana, what we know as spiritual practices.  This endeavor, unarguably the singular spiritual artform, demands discipline, and requires it on a day to day basis. What we see in those rare beings who exemplify realization is the result of this superlative self-effort, always ongoing.  And so, the conclusion comes, after scrutiny and rapt observance (early stages of detachment), as well as striving long and laboriously in this field myself (disciplehood), and moving to transmit the teachings to others (assuming the robe of a teacher), that sadhana is for those who are truly ready.  Ready for what?  For either Divine Life or Transcendent Life.  Please read the following teachings to gain more clarity on this statement.

Babaji’s Teaching Schedule for May, 2010

You can download Babaji’s 2010 schedule for mainland centers by clicking here.SRV San Francisco465 Brussels St, San Francisco, CA 94134 <> 415-468-4680 <> hcsrv@comcast.netMeditation: daily at 6:00amMay 6    Thu    7:00pm    Arati/SatsangMay 7    Fri      7:00pm    Arati/SatsangMay 8    Sat    9:30am    Class: Vivekachudamani, The Crest Jewel of Discrimination 7:00pm    SRV PujaMay 9    Sun    9:30am    Class: Buddhism & Advaita 2:00pm   Kids Class TBA …

Help us transmit the teachings via the internet!

After  Swami Vivekananda spoke at the Parliament of Religions back in 1893 almost instantly the news of his radical teachings spread throughout the religious and intellectual circles around the U.S…..yes, even before social networking went online. How many of you who are reading this have social networking sites? Then you have the means to help awaken the sleeping and uplift …