Holy Mother’s Song of Wisdom

SRV’s First Audio BookHoly Mother’s Song of Wisdom The Sri Sarada Vijnanagita, Holy Mother’s Song of Wisdom, is poised for release as an audio book through Audible.  Published recently as a beautiful hardback book, the Sri Sarada Vijnanagita has already become a source of inspiration for many. “I have found the Sri Sarada Vijnanagita to be an inexhaustible source of …

Mother Claps

Mother Claps – Niranjan’s initiation In an earlier introduction of a new SRV initiate for this newsletter, we noted how in chapter 6 of the Bhagavad-Gita Sri Krishna teaches that it is most difficult to obtain a birth in which one is born into a family of wise yogis. The boon in such a birth is that “he regains the …

Seattle Retreat Reflection

Seattle Retreat Reflection In this retreat we studied the second of the seven Goddess Upanishads, the Sita Upanishad, in which the Gods asked Prajapati (the teacher of the Gods), “Who is Divine Mother and What is Her Form?”  His answer begins: “She is Sita…” Prajapati went on to describe Her in full, and with every class, as we followed the …

Guru Sishya Seminar Notes

Guru Sishya Seminar Notesfrom a student’s notebook The Supreme Pathway to Eternal Moksha (The chart by this name can be found in A Quintessential Yoga Vasishtha, by Babaji Bob Kindler, p.37) Moksha, liberation – realize that this is ever-present and thereby raise yourself to that perfect state.  Whoever got inspired by thinking of oneself as a sinner? Ordinary scriptures should …

Summer Retreat Notes, 2016

Summer Retreat Notes, 2016 Shifting consciousness A seminal theme in Babaji’s presentation of Indian dharma concerns how consciousness shifts whereas Consciousness is unmoving.  Every teaching from any school or perspective can be said to be intent on explaining the existence of higher awareness and its stages, or freeing people from obstacles in their minds that prevent them from shifting to …

SRV Sangha News

Pilgrims to India Beginning mid December, SRV Sangha members will go with Babaji to Mother India.  There are plans to visit and sometimes stay at Sri Sarada Math, Belur Math, and Master and Mother’s birthplaces, as well as to meet and have satsang with several monks of the Ramakrishna Order in Delhi, Varanasi, and Kolkata. Throughout, Babaji will give classes …

Swami Vivekananda’s Western Antaranga

Swami Vivekananda’s Western Antaranga Swami Vivekananda introduced the West to the universal principles of Vedanta beginning in the United States in 1893. Although hundreds and thousands attended lectures and were awed by him, a small group of dedicated people came forth to devote themselves to the principles of Vedanta and to help Swamiji spread its universal message.  Among his closest …

Aruna’s light of dawn

Aruna’s light of dawn Namaste, and Aloha to all those interested in Divine Mother Reality and the Wisdom Teachings of The Dharma. At the first appearance of Aruna’s light of dawn, and to the accompaniment of distant thunder and the resultant oncoming early morning rain, I sit to write this little message to all the faithful after reading through what …

Excerpt from Raja Yoga #91

QUESTION #2: “Other than awareness of the following: the cosmic significance of prana asdescribed by Swamiji, the sublimation process of prana into shakti power, and informed controlof the breath (important sets of threes), what is required of the aspirant for obtaining or practicing pranayama?”ANSWER: The answer is, another set of threes, and one that is greatly missing today in spiritual circles, and …

Excerpt from Raja Yoga #101

QUESTION: “I have been studying Yoga Vasishtha lately, especially with regard to dealing withadharmic desires, and contemplating these teachings in light of Yoga, Vedanta, and other teachings mentioned. For example, you have mentioned how you witnessed Lex Hixon being too busy with sadhana to even have a restless mind, and thus never be tempted by adharmic desires or other ridiculous distractions. With all …