SRV Sangha News

Last Summer’s Seminar
Guru-Disciple Relationship

In honor of the Guru Purnima holy day, Babaji offered a weekend seminar on the Guru-Disciple Relationship. He launched the classes off with a moving description and tribute to our Great Guru, Sri Ramakrishna, and His disciples, beginning with Swami Vivekananda.

A distinctive theme over many years’ of Babaji’s classes and seminars has been the importance of qualification in gaining direct spiritual experience — qualification in the dharma, in spiritual practice, and in one’s intelligence.  The chart, “The Supreme Pathway to the Eternal Moksha” was his main teaching chart for elucidating spiritual qualification in the context of the Guru-Disciple relationship.  “You are a lot stronger than you think you are,” he stated to the students gathered around him for the first class.  “Maintain the fire of Yoga all the time.  This is your manasana – your mental asana.”

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