Spiritual Director’s Message

Spiritual Director’s Message
Subject: Spiritual Retreats for 2010/2011
Directive: Attendance for the highest good of all living beings

Dear SRV friends, supporters, newcomers, and followers,

Kundalini Yoga Retreat - Oct 7-11, Ashland, OregonFor this issue of Mundamala I would like to write about the topic of spiritual retreat, especially in line with what is available to us in the near future.

As my present life reaches into its sixth decade, I am more than ever searching for and finding those pertinent teachings which apply so directly to the peace of mind of the people of this day and time, particularly those who are sincerely seeking for the keys to spiritual life and its salubrious aims and ends.  However, caught up solely in the perilous press of work and duty, and as yet devoid of knowledge of the laws of Karma Yoga and the real significance of work, humanity overlooks the import of the art of spiritual retreat and thus forgoes these important opportunities for spiritual advancement.  Even among the already committed devotees who do sadhana at home, there is the tendency to perform the prescribed practices in a random and limited way, verily sidestepping the need for expansion and intensification.

In today’s work-a-day world, then, there is therefore a great need for attending retreats which focus on authentic and quality teachings and principles, and which present to us definitive solutions for problems which arise in both daily life and ongoing spiritual practice — all in the rarefied atmosphere of guru, dharma, and sangha.  As one of the great devotional songs of India states, a heartfelt hymn which Jai Ma Music will offer at the forthcoming retreat in Ashland on the commencement of Navaratri (Durga Puja):

Summer 2010: Dissolving the Mindstream

Dissolving the Mindstream

During Babaji’s visits to the mainland there is always a particular thread running through the various themes and their corresponding teachings.  As I looked through my notes, “Dissolving the mindstream” was that thread over Babaji’s 2010 summer visit.  This is both a Yogic and Vedantic meditation, called involution, that extracts one’s consciousness from apparently “external” gross objects, then from “internal” subtle objects, until one’s consciousness abides in Consciousness alone – Brahman, Paramatman, Chidakasha, Paramasiva.  This meditation cannot be done without a cosmology, which explains why Babaji has, over the past 17 years of SRV’s history, been insisting that we learn our Sankhya. (Jai Lord Kapila!).  That system underlies Patanjala Yoga, Vedanta, Tantra, and Yoga Vasishtha.  So it is no surprise that throughout this last visit, Babaji pulled out chart after chart presenting this cosmology from each of these perspectives and the process of involution again and again.  Thus, may we row, row, row our boats assiduously up the mindstream, deftly converging all tributaries, gross to subtle and subtle most, to our Source.

It may be of interest to everyone that Babaji will lead us through the meditation of Dissolving the Mindstream at the upcoming Kundalini Yoga Retreat, October 7 – 11.  Further, December’s Hawaii Retreat will focus specifically on the Sankhya darshana of Lord Kapila.  Please see our retreats page.

The following are from a student’s notebook.

The Inmost Path of Mother Wisdom — Kundalini Yoga Retreat

October 7 – 11, 2010 Buckhorn Springs RetreatAshland, Oregon Join Babaji and Jai Ma Music for four days of Wisdom transmission, dedication, and devotion in the peaceful solitude of Buckhorn Springs Retreat. Babaji Bob Kindler, our Spiritual Director of SRV Associations, will present the inmost path of Mother Wisdom by focusing in on the Mahashakti and Her superlative teachings on …

At-A-Glance: Babaji’s Teaching Schedule

October: The Holy Season of Divine Mother SF=San Francisco / PD=Portland / OR=Oregon Arati Satsangs @ 7pmSF — Oct 1, 4, 5 (F M Tu)PD — Oct 15, 22 (F) [22nd- Arati only] Classes @ 9:30amSF — Oct 2, 3 (Sa Su)PD — Oct 16, 17, 23 (Sa Su Sa) PujasSF — Oct 2 (Sat) @ 7pm – Durga PujaPD …

Ramakrishna Vedanta in The Netherlands

by Annapurna

During the early part of July, I had the blessing of attending the Ramakrishna Vedanta Vereniging Nederland in Amstelveen, outside of Amsterdam.  Public transportation in Holland was more efficient than I could imagine, thus, travelling from downtown Amsterdam by electric bus, train, and finally bus, I stilI arrived too early and sat in the park nearby until it was 4pm.   Swami Sarvatmanandaji graciously welcomed me to their quiet center in a Dutch neighborhood.  The Center occupies a corner apartment in an “L” shaped complex of modest townhouses.  The lower level houses a large classroom, library, and shrine room.   

TFIO — Got Tickets?

True Freedom, Inside & Out will bring together speakers on spirituality, corrections, and inmate re-entry.  Additionally, former prison inmates will personally describe the benefits of prison ministry in their lives.  Representatives of other religious, spiritual, and service organizations will also be on hand to discuss their work and missions in this important arena of community service.  This free event will …

River Retreat Reflection

Dear SRV Sangha –

I had the graceful gift of a life-changing experience during the
summer retreat at Bhavatarini Ma’s house. In the busy days following
the retreat, I became immersed again in the delusions of Maya. Going
through my notes from the retreat during the last few days, I was
again flooded with the light of those sacred times we shared
together and the Jnana, Bhakti, Karma, and Raja Yoga lessons
transmitted by Babaji from the sacred Guru lineage of our Master Sri


by Anuraga

While looking ahead to the continuing effect of his mission, Swami Vivekananda once said, “even if I perish out of this plane, my message will be sounded through these dear lips and the world will hear it.”  These words were referring to Swami Abhedananda, one of the more profound and enigmatic of the direct disciples of Sri Ramakrishna.

Auction Preview

Body, Mind, & Spirit Massage and Chiropractic Gift Certificates from Khalsa Pain Relief Clinic – website One hour massage, worth $70; chiropractic visit, worth $114. Retail value: $184 Acupuncture treatment from Heaven-Earth Acupuncture, Marc Gadoua, L.Ac. –  website A free evaluation and treatment plus 20% off a follow up appointment. Value: $75 Rolfing and/or Chiropractic session with Jeff Ryder, D.C. …