Spiritual Director’s Message

Dear SRV Devotees, Students, and Friends: There are two matters which are most imminent at this time, and the offering of the fine on-line newsletter, Mundamala, provides a perfect venue for initial discussion around them. First, as the April/May Dharma Visit nears, with its Seattle retreat on the excellent teachings of Lord Vasishtha, I encourage everyone to plunge deep into the …

Seminar 2012: Dissovling the Mindstream

Winter Seminar in Oregon Plus Hawaii Class Notes Notes & ReflectionsIn February, Babaji presented a weekend seminar on Dissolving the Mindstream through diverse philosophical systems and perspectives: Vedanta, Sankhya, Yoga, Tantra, and Aum.  He is continuing this series in Hawaii during Sunday classes so that mainland and island sanghas receive the same teachings. Retreat Reflection #1The SRV ashram in Portland …

Teaching Children Viveka

How to tell the difference between the Self and the not-Self

by Bharati
Today is January 21, and again we are blessed with the presence of four beautiful children, ages 6 to 10 years, in the SRV San Francisco ashram.  We have become a divine little group, all progressing at our own pace.

Each lesson always includes asana poses, breathing practice, meditation, a teaching, a discussion, contemplation, an activity, and then prasad.

Asanas & Meditation Pose:
The children know what to do now when they come for class at the ashram: enter into the upstairs classroom quietly, bow down to the altar, and gather in a circle.  Then we began our asana, breathing, and meditation pose practices.

One of the mothers was able to join us, and her boys enjoyed her being there. Usually we have one or both of the mothers in attendance and they seem to glean a great deal from the class. Not only that, but they witness how their children blossom with each class they attend and are truly delighted by the outcome.

Recent Events in Hawaii

Jnana & Dhyana: The Power of Integrating Scripture and MeditationA meditation retreat with Babaji Bob Kindler at Wood Valley Temple, Big Island, Hawai’iJanuary 5 – 8, 2012 Wood Valley Retreat Reflection What attracted me at first were the words “the kingdom within.”   That’s when I knew this was the real thing.  It all just fit together so well.  It was …

Antaranga: Mathur Babu

by Anuraga Neal Aronowitz In the life of Sri Ramakrishna we can observe the many notable personalities who had the good fortune to assist the great Master in his mission. Each of these individuals in the Master’s inner circle had a unique role to play as the Divine Lila of the Kali Avatar unfolded. One of the key figures in …

“Babaji’s Chart Book”

Footfalls of the Indian Seers Coming to our ashrams in 2013….. Old and new students, guests attending a class from out of town or at a special event, students in prison – the first question asked when class is over is, “How can I get a copy of this chart?”  And the reply has been, “Well, Babaji is putting a …

Winter 2012

Class Notes from Hawaii, Oregon, & San FranciscoJanuary-March 2012  Discrimination and its CulminationIn the course of the practice of discrimination between the unchanging Reality, Brahman, and the ever-changing phenomena referred to as “the world,” the mind of the aspirant gets clarified and purified and moves through the following perspectives with regard to phenomena and its relation to Reality: first, phenomena …

SRV Autumn Retreat

Divine Mother Wisdom October 4 – 7, 2012 Babaji’s personal motto,”None else but Self; None other than Mother” expresses the path of Shakta-Advaita-vada, the nondual path of Divine Mother Wisdom epitomized in the lives of Sri Ramakrishna, Sri Sarada Devi, and Swami Vivekananda.  Divine Mother Wisdom encompasses the ignorance-destroying teachings of both Vedanta and Tantra, while cultivating self-surrender and supreme …

Summer Retreat near the American River

Vivekananda & True Freedom July 3 – July 10, 2012 Swami Vivekananda received the boon of choosing the day of his mahasamadhi and departed his body on July 4th, 1902, giving new meaning to our “day of liberation.” True Freedom (moksha) is the ever-present nature of the Soul – beyond bodies, states, and conditions of any kind.  How do the …

SRV Spring Retreat 2014 in Wind River region, WA

The Stunning Insights of Gaudapada’s Karika with Babaji Bob Kindler, Spiritual Director, SRV Associations May 22 – 26, 2014 In and throughout the vast sweep of Indian philosophy and religion there is scarcely anything as profound and elevating as Advaita, Nonduality. The identity of the apparently individualized soul with the Supreme Soul (Jivatman and Paramatman) is a subject that transcends …