iPad 2 Giveaway

A Divine Wisdom Benefit This is a fundraiser for Sarada Ramakrishna Vivekananda – SRV Associations.To fulfill our mission: Setting the feet of humanity solidly on the path of universal Truth SRV is giving away a new iPad 2 With a download of Jai Ma Music, Spiritual Discourses, and Books by Babaji Bob Kindler.• A Priceless Value! • Enter unlimited times …

Guru Anushashana

Instructions from the Spiritual Teacher Since 2005, Babaji has been conducting an email correspondence course on the Yoga Sutras.  Each class provides an opportunity for students to ask questions about the teachings and how to apply them in their lives.  Great depth and diversity of practical spiritual knowledge and methods have been transmitted to the participants via this process.   …

A Raja Yoga Retreat Reflection

The summer retreat in Hawaii named, The Mental Sadhana of Yoga:  Climbing the Eight-Limbed Tree of Classic Yoga, was a beautiful three days of meditation, chanting, and listening to Babaji expound on Patanjali’s Raja Yoga along with the commentaries of Vedavyasa and Vivekananda.  As we learned of the Raja Yoga, we also had the opportunity to learn many Sanskrit words. …

Wisdom in Practice

I would like to comment on how the teachings of SRV have impacted my life in a supportive way.  From all that I have been taught,  this typical day reflects how I have incorporated the teachings into my daily life. DaybreakThe harp sound goes off and starts emitting sound from my cell phone. The hour is usually 5:15 am, but …

Kid’s Retreat: Revealing Scripture

My favorite part was doing the quilt and working with annapruna [Annapurna] was really fun. It gave me a new persecptive [perspective] in vadate [Vedanta]. I am better at concentraing [concentrating] now.
                                — zuzu

A Solo Retreat
This year’s River Retreat witnessed a graduation of our former “children” into the adult classes, and the beginning of a new series of children’s classes.  Our youngest student, Zuzu, who is 8 years old, was the only one of our kids able to make the retreat.  

Retreat 2011: Dharma, Svadharma, & Beyond Dharma

The American River Retreat 2011At this year’s annual summer retreat, Babaji presented a sadhaka’s toolbox of cautions, warnings, signs, maps, and methods for the aspiring yogi and yogini.  The retreat outline is given below.  It is interesting to note that it begins with what we should never allow to happen from the outset – Negligence of remaining aware of Brahman, …

Excerpt from Lesson #63

STUDENT: “Here is a question on ajativada, or non-origination.  To date, I have been understanding this to mean that existence is without beginning, in the causal sense.  I’ve been thinking, in other words, that the term refers to the idea that we can never find a first cause for anything because anything caused will itself have been caused (and so on, back …

Spiritual Director’s Message

Babaji Bob KindlerDear SRV Sangha and friends,

   The summer of 2011 is upon us, and with it the Yoga retreat at Wood Valley in Hawaii, and the American River retreat near Forest Hill, California.  Along with this already full schedule, the late August journey to Nepal and its incomparably beautiful outlying Himalayan areas such as Nagarkot, Dhulikhel, Patan, and Bhaktapur is also forthcoming.  The SRV staff dearly hopes that every interested devotee participating in an active spiritual life will take full advantage of these rare events.  And this broaches the subject for this current message. . .

Godblogs Youth Forum

This blog is for young people who are curious about Vedanta, Yoga, Eastern Philosophy, or simply want to know how to live a spiritual life while living at home, going to school, handling relationships, jobs, etc. Babaji Bob Kindler (“Blogaji”) and Annapurna will be posting blogs and answering questions.  If you are a young person and want to participate, write …

Teen Classes held in Sacramento

Last May 12, Max Hopson and Logan Fansler (Yogin), two of Babaji’s young students, coordinated SRV and Babaji’s first Vedanta class in the Sacramento metro area.  Nine people attended including some parents.  Babaji talked on the fundamentals of Yoga and Vedanta and the importance of study, meditation, and holy company.  The next class is scheduled for early August.  For more …