Sangha and Friends Share Nectar of Non-Dual Truth

Issue 25Nectar #25 has arrived!  Already sangha and friends are distributing it as part of SRV’s mission of “Setting the feet of aspiring humanity on the path of universal Truth”  

Grassroots distribution
Just like last year, we are counting on our readers and supporters to distribute the Nectar of Nondual Truth to one and all via Nectar’s universal religious and philosophical teachings.

Send us an email or call us at 808-990-3354/503-774-2410 to receive a bundle of Nectars.  No request is too small.  Take part in this effort!

Where should I take them?

Babaji’s new book is here!

A Quintessential Yoga VasishthaWisdom Stories of the Rishis RetoldEdited and elucidated by Babaji Bob Kindler254 pages, hardbound, illustrated, $30.00   Yoga Vasishtha, an ancient and beloved scripture, details a lesser known period of Sri Ram’s youth not discussed in the traditional Ramayana.  We meet a young Ramachandra struggling to awaken from the veil of maya, to pierce through the shrouded …

A Quintessential Yoga Vasishtha

Wisdom Stories of the Rishis RetoldEdited and elucidated by Babaji Bob Kindler 254 pages, hardbound, illustrated, $30.00  Of all the relationships possible on earth, that rare and timely combination of noble perfection known as guru/shishya, spiritual teacher and sincere disciple, transcends them all.  And scarcely in the sweep of historical time has that most intimate of connections been so well-documented …

Sangha News

And Mother Claps Her Hands… Timothy Madera – Kapisa Timothy Madera of San Francisco received initiation from Babaji at the most recent Durga Puja. The name of Kapisa was bestowed upon him. This translates as “the Fountainhead of Strength” and is an epithet of Hanuman, the great devotee of Sri Ram.  This name is quite fitting as Kapisa feels drawn …

Prison Ministry Fundraiser

Serving Schools for Struggling Souls

There is a growing recognition in our Portland Community and elsewhere that we all must step up to the plate to help inmates prepare themselves for re-entering our communities as the valuable beings they really are.  Spiritual teachings, mentoring, camaraderie, and live social networking play a crucial role in this process along with the inmate’s own resolve.

SRV Associations currently puts most of its resources in this endeavor toward inmates still in prison, driving 1000’s of miles a year and incurring other travel costs as we visit the distant facilities. Books, Nectar, and postage are other costs. Vedanta libraries need building up and qualified volunteers are also needed.

A Fundraiser is planned in 2010, possibly October. The potential of this event, both for funding and also as an educational and networking opportunity, is substantial. We are not the only ones doing this work, and each organization’s story and emphasis is fascinating and inspiring. But we need volunteers to bring this potential into manifestation. See below for a description of this event as currently envisioned.

Babaji’s New Book with Charts!

Update and Pre-publication Sale

A Quintessential Yoga Vasishtha
By Babaji Bob Kindler
254 pages, hard cover, illustrated
$30  Pre-publication sale: $24 (20% discount)

Babaji’s long-awaited book, the first to include his charts (over 20!) will be available this Winter or early Spring, 2010.  This is also SRV’s first book to be printed and distributed in India. Help us get the word out!  Early sales help us with promotional expenses.  Click here to purchase your copy.

Kindling Higher Wisdom

Dear students, disciples, and friends:

It is a very interesting and beneficial time at present, as we approach our annual Navaratri celebrations in September and October.  The second full sized issue of Nectar of Nondual Truth is presently being finalized.  The newest book from SRV Associations, A Quintessential Yoga Vasishtha, is also about concluded, and even has a new cover which renders it ready for publication.  Both of these works will be sent to India within a month, and a dozen or so traveling pilgrims from SRV will pick them up in India in December when they arrive for sacred pilgrimage there.  In the interim, Durga Puja, Kali Puja, and Jagaddhatri Pujas will be celebrated in Portland and San Francisco at our ashramas, begging that sweet participation and devout worship which will bring subtle benefits to the attending devotee throughout the coming year, and to humanity in general.  For all of this and more, we say “Jai!” three times, and “Shanti” three times as well.

Wisdom in Practice

Reflections on Swami Vivekananda’s “God in Everything,” from Jnana Yoga.
by Paravasta

Starting from his 4th paragraph, Swamiji states:

“Most of the religions understand this fact [the need to combine reason and feeling], but the error into which they all seem to fall is the same: they are carried away by the heart, the feelings.  There is evil in the world; give up the world – that is the great teaching, and the only teaching, no doubt.  Give up the world.  There cannot be two opinions: to understand the truth every one of us has to give up error.  There cannot be two opinions: every one of us, in order to be good, must give up evil.  There cannot be two opinions: everyone of us, to have life, must give up what is death.  And yet, what remains to us if this theory involves giving up the life of the senses, life as we know it?  And what else do we mean by life?  If we give this up, what remains?

Chapel Libraries Need Books

Prior to starting up Vedanta classes, most of the five Oregon prisons that Babaji and sangha volunteers visit had no books on Vedanta, except, perhaps a copy of the Bhagavad Gita.  Now, each prison’s chapel library has a small selection of books that SRV has donated from its own stock.  But there are important books missing that are beyond our current ability to give without help from others.

Nectar of Nondual Truth: A FEAST!

Issue #25Nectar #25 (Winter 2010) is underway and promises to be a feast of universality in the spirit of all-inclusive Advaita – Nonduality.  Here’s a look inside:

Dharma Doorway of Nonduality, by Robert Thurman
Emptiness & Compassionate Action, by Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche
God Who Cares, by Swami Aseshananda
Invitation to the Path of Love, by Sheikh Muzaffer Effendi
Comprehending Nonorigination, by Babaji Bob Kindler
Rationality & God – What’s the Problem?, by Larry Herzberg, Ph.D.
Ramana Maharishi & Buddhist Nondualism, by Lex Hixon
Jainism: Part 2, by Swami Brahmeshananda
The Tao — The Way of Life, by Beverly Daggett
Ever Free, Never Bound, by Paravasta
Plus, Nectar of Advaitic Instruction, Wisdom Facets, Nectar Reviews and more…..