Ramakrishna Vedanta in The Netherlands

by Annapurna

During the early part of July, I had the blessing of attending the Ramakrishna Vedanta Vereniging Nederland in Amstelveen, outside of Amsterdam.  Public transportation in Holland was more efficient than I could imagine, thus, travelling from downtown Amsterdam by electric bus, train, and finally bus, I stilI arrived too early and sat in the park nearby until it was 4pm.   Swami Sarvatmanandaji graciously welcomed me to their quiet center in a Dutch neighborhood.  The Center occupies a corner apartment in an “L” shaped complex of modest townhouses.  The lower level houses a large classroom, library, and shrine room.   

TFIO — Got Tickets?

True Freedom, Inside & Out will bring together speakers on spirituality, corrections, and inmate re-entry.  Additionally, former prison inmates will personally describe the benefits of prison ministry in their lives.  Representatives of other religious, spiritual, and service organizations will also be on hand to discuss their work and missions in this important arena of community service.  This free event will …

River Retreat Reflection

Dear SRV Sangha –

I had the graceful gift of a life-changing experience during the
summer retreat at Bhavatarini Ma’s house. In the busy days following
the retreat, I became immersed again in the delusions of Maya. Going
through my notes from the retreat during the last few days, I was
again flooded with the light of those sacred times we shared
together and the Jnana, Bhakti, Karma, and Raja Yoga lessons
transmitted by Babaji from the sacred Guru lineage of our Master Sri


by Anuraga

While looking ahead to the continuing effect of his mission, Swami Vivekananda once said, “even if I perish out of this plane, my message will be sounded through these dear lips and the world will hear it.”  These words were referring to Swami Abhedananda, one of the more profound and enigmatic of the direct disciples of Sri Ramakrishna.

Auction Preview

Body, Mind, & Spirit Massage and Chiropractic Gift Certificates from Khalsa Pain Relief Clinic – website One hour massage, worth $70; chiropractic visit, worth $114. Retail value: $184 Acupuncture treatment from Heaven-Earth Acupuncture, Marc Gadoua, L.Ac. –  website A free evaluation and treatment plus 20% off a follow up appointment. Value: $75 Rolfing and/or Chiropractic session with Jeff Ryder, D.C. …

True Freedom Links

Silent Auction, Tickets, Donation & Service Form Download pdf here     Benefit Goal: $8,000 Some Statistics for 2010: • Babaji & volunteers expect to give 54 classes at 5 prisons. • Teaching time: over 130 hours • Travel time: over 148 hours • Class size varies but each class has 8 to 15 students. • Throughout the year there …

Oh Ma!

Ma – I have felt so tucked away with You. Snuggling in and just holding You close.I feel You in my heart as a pulse, a fiery glow. Burn Ma burn. Ignite this fire within. Let the bellows of the breath feed the flame so that it burns deeper, wider, higher.  Agni – swaha. Fire and ash. The fire of …

Babaji’s letter

  Dear SRV Sangha helping the world, We have an opportunity to do some rare outreach at this time, and we can accomplish it as an ensemble rather than just as individuals. The forthcoming Prison Benefit event, October 24th, is a fund raiser designed to provide some income for SRV’s prison ministries so that the students in prison we teach …

Babaji’s Summer Visit is Here!

You can print out Babaji’s 2010 year schedule for mainland centers by clicking here. SRV San Francisco465 Brussels St., San Francisco, CA 94134, 415-468-4680, hcsrv@comcast.netJuly 2010, Meditation daily at 6:00am7/16 Fri — 7:00pm, Arati Satsang 7/17 Sat — 9:30am, Class: Vivekachudamani, Crest Jewel of Discrimination— 7:00pm, SRV Puja7/18 Sun — 9:30am, Class: Vivekachudamani7/19 Mon — 7:00pm, Arati/Satsang7/20 Tue — 7:00pm, …