SRV Spring Retreat 2014 in Wind River region, WA

The Stunning Insights of Gaudapada’s Karika with Babaji Bob Kindler, Spiritual Director, SRV Associations May 22 – 26, 2014 In and throughout the vast sweep of Indian philosophy and religion there is scarcely anything as profound and elevating as Advaita, Nonduality. The identity of the apparently individualized soul with the Supreme Soul (Jivatman and Paramatman) is a subject that transcends …

Weekend Seminar 2012

Dissolving the Mindstream SRV Winter Weekend SeminarFebruary, 10 – 12, 2012Portland, Oregon Meditation is best utilized as a practice of dissolving the mind consciously.  This will reveal mankind’s formless Essence, Atman.  All forms are manifestations of one’s own Intelligence.  However, because the mind is constantly taking forms, the practitioner must make it responsible for dissolving them.  To accomplish this, we …

Hawaii Summer Retreat

Return to Wood Valley Back in 1994, Babaji led the second-ever SRV Retreat (and first Hawaii Retreat) at the Wood Valley Tibetan Buddhist Center.  Located in the forest on the slopes of Mauna Loa, Wood Valley has a wonderful sacred atmosphere, complete with a Temple visited by His Holiness Dalai Lama.  The retreat building has its own temple/meditation room which …

Hawaii Winter Retreat 2012

Jnana & Dhyana The Power of Integrating Scripture and Meditation A meditation retreat with Babaji Bob Kindler at Wood Valley Temple, Big Island, Hawai’i January 6 – 9, 2012   “At the height of all levels of the Wisdom-Word, and infused with the Divine Mother’s own power of penetration and dissolution, the great sayings of Sanatana Dharma – the eternal …

Fall Retreat 2011

SRV’s Autumn Retreat, October 6th – October 9thThe Mental Sadhana of Yoga:Climbing the Eight-Limbed Tree of Classic Yoga Babaji Bob Kindler will present essential facets of Yoga, the science of mental control that prepares one for Samadhi, absorption in perfect Freedom and Bliss. This first Raja Yoga retreat ever given by Babaji was presented in Hawaii last June.  He is …

Fall Retreat 2011 (Sankhya copy)

SRV’s Autumn Retreat, October 6th – October 9th Sankhya of Kapila Revisited The October retreat, to convene during the holy days around Navaratri, will give all SRV devotees and students a rare opportunity to center in on that earliest and most important element of India’s multifaceted philosophical perspective – the Sankhya Yoga of Lord Kapila.  Early on in SRV’s history …

SRV Summer Retreat 2011

Dharma, Svadharma, & Beyond DharmaAmerican River, July 15th – 21st An ongoing tradition in the SRV fold, which has seen many souls, young and old, partake of its rare gifts, the summer retreat near the American River in Forest Hill, California, will again bless us with wisdom teachings correlative to the summer season holy days of Gurupurnima and Krishna Janmashtami.  …

SRV Weekend Seminar

The Upanisads are Vedanta   Weekend Seminar May 20th – 22nd For SRV’s second annual seminar, and on the heels of last year’s weekend event on “Coalescing the Four Yogas,” this year’s seminar, held at the SRV ashrama in Portland, will take up the Upanisadic atmosphere in order to enhance knowledge of the Vedanta in all students.  An emphasis on …

Hawaii Retreat 2010

    Location/Setting: Kipukamaluhia, a dharma-sanctuary in Ka’u, stewarded by Rashani Rea. It is located between Na’alehu and South Point — a lush oasis in the grasslands overlooking the ocean — and consists of various little cabins, a Mother temple, meeting spaces, and meandering walkways. Very isolated, serene — conducive to the retreat spirit. Retreat Details Date: Friday, April 16th …