Wisdom in Practice

A Vedantic Feat 

by Bharati

My husband Hansin and I were given a wonderful opportunity last Autumn to present an overview of Vedanta to two 4th grade classes (totaling 27 children) at  the German American School in Palo Alto, California.  The Fourth Graders there were doing a unit on World Religions and the teachers asked us to participate in the section on Hinduism. Our time slot was for 30 minutes and we ended up speaking for an hour because of the interest of the students and teachers.

How could we refuse to speak on Vedanta? However, did we have the ability to pursue what we thought of as a daunting objective?  So we approached our Guru (Babaji) for guidance and received a few instructions and his blessing to move forward.  This, combined with our sincere desire to share this beloved path, attendance at the children’s classes at SRV San Francisco, and the understanding that has been developing from our own personal practice, gave us confidence. Besides, sharing the Dharmic path with children is of utmost importance.   


At-A-Glance:  Babaji’s Feb/March Teaching Schedule Download Babaji’s Feb/March schedule flyer SF=San Francisco / PD=Portland Arati & Satsangs @ 7:00pm SF — Feb 18, 21, 22, 23 [F, M, Tu, W] Classes @ 9:30am SF — Feb 19 & 20 [S, Su] on VivekachudamaniPD — Feb 26 & 27; Mar 5 & 6 [S, Su] on Svetashvataro Upanisad Worship, Puja, & …

Retreat 2010: Kundalini Yoga

Reflections on the Kundalini Retreat 2010
by Akshaya-bhakti

First, I must acknowledge the sweet, devotional aura which pervaded the retreat.  I realize through the teachings that even positive feelings are transitory, are part of the dualities of life; however, being with guru and sangha at the idyllic Buckhorn Springs Retreat Center brought a  rare joy that I can instantly recall in its full intensity.   Even when I watch the luminous faces in my slide show of Medha’s photos, I am overcome by a deep sense of love that goes beyond mere convention.  

Message from Annapurna Sarada

Durga_Logo_ovalA Living Vedanta

Dear Friends,
SRV Associations, a sangha intent on sadhana and service, has just completed its 17th year.  As 2011 begins, a few of us have taken stock of what SRV offers and come up with a list of 15 projects and activities (see list) that we are continuously offering.  In this coming year a whole new effort is underway to make the teachings of Vedanta and our Ideals, so lovingly gathered, synthesized, and presented by Babaji, ever more accessible to larger numbers of seekers.  

Spiritual Director’s Message

Om Namo Bhagavate Ramakrishnaya! I extend my warmest regards to everyone in this, my message for the current Mundamala issue, and offer my salutations to all the devotees of our Universal Mother and our Chosen Ideals — Sri Sarada Devi, Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, and Swami Vivekananda.  May blessings abound! What to say which has not already been expressed by all …

Retreat 2010: Sankhya of Kapila Revisited

Hawaii Sankhya Retreat Reflection: A Poem


Who can describe the eternal?
That fairy land of delicate peace
Where the mind is so big it is gone
And no reason exists to describe it at all.

Autumn 2010

SRV logoClass Notes from Babaji’s classes in Oregon and in the prisons
October, 2010

The Way of the Rishis
These beings, rishis, came, lived, struggled and survived, and did not find fault with the teachings or the world.  How is this possible when there are so many imperfections here? This is what they realized:

Fall Retreat 2011 (Sankhya copy)

SRV’s Autumn Retreat, October 6th – October 9th Sankhya of Kapila Revisited The October retreat, to convene during the holy days around Navaratri, will give all SRV devotees and students a rare opportunity to center in on that earliest and most important element of India’s multifaceted philosophical perspective – the Sankhya Yoga of Lord Kapila.  Early on in SRV’s history …

Fall Retreat 2011

SRV’s Autumn Retreat, October 6th – October 9thThe Mental Sadhana of Yoga:Climbing the Eight-Limbed Tree of Classic Yoga Babaji Bob Kindler will present essential facets of Yoga, the science of mental control that prepares one for Samadhi, absorption in perfect Freedom and Bliss. This first Raja Yoga retreat ever given by Babaji was presented in Hawaii last June.  He is …

SRV Summer Retreat 2011

Dharma, Svadharma, & Beyond DharmaAmerican River, July 15th – 21st An ongoing tradition in the SRV fold, which has seen many souls, young and old, partake of its rare gifts, the summer retreat near the American River in Forest Hill, California, will again bless us with wisdom teachings correlative to the summer season holy days of Gurupurnima and Krishna Janmashtami.  …